I said goodbye to friends and family and it was awkward.

I don’t know why, I feel like I’ve known what to say for months and then when it came down to the moment, I felt like I couldn’t even look at them. 

Its been a long build up to this point BUT here we are. It is TIME to set out on this trip.

Words, our way of communicating and relating and sharing, are failing me now if all times.


But HIS words are not. 

Jeremiah 29:11 – “For I know the plans and thoughts that I have for you,’ says the LORD, ‘plans for peace and well-being and not for disaster to give you a future and a hope.”

Choosing the joy in the sadness of walking away from people who have supported you and fought for your friendship in ways where words couldn’t begin to describe is easy when you think about the sweet gifts those friends are from God.


How sweet is He to know what people to gently place in our lives (or sometimes hurl at us depending on what we need) and to push you to be who He knows we can be?


The flowery goodbyes are beautiful and amazing but it’s the unspoken weight of the cross you’ve chosen to take that sticks.

ive learned over the last year that God will give you things to ask for them back – sometimes you never get them back again and sometimes you get to keep them forever. It’s a joy lined with melancholy to be asked to hand over some of those gifts (friends, commodities, self-sufficiency)  and in return be able to share the love of our Father.

Praising Him today for happiness and sadness and everything in between.



subscribe to this blog so you can follow along – we depart for Japan on the 7th of January after a week of more training in Atlanta.


Please be praying that we all hit our fundraising goals and for good health as we take this lap before making the jump to Southeast Asia!

Peace and Blessings to all!