I’m here to inform you that after careful consideration and lots of prayer I have accepted an invitation to lead with the World Race for another round now that borders are opening back up across the world. 

If you did not know what my previous role was, I was team leading with a team called Botanical Pandas at the start of 2020 before the pandemic went full force.

The role of Team Lead centers around daily living and walking in discipleship alongside new participants for the first leg of the 11 months of the World Race. The goal is to assist in setting up the new participants to have some on the field examples on how to live out the vision of the World Race through integrating three concepts, biblically based:

1. Community (Romans 12:3-13, 1 Corinthians 12:25-27, Acts 2:42-47)

2. Intimacy with the Lord (John 15:4-6, Philippians 3:7-8, James 4:8)

3. Mission: fulfilling the great commission (Matthew 28:18-20)


It is one of the sweetest and most rewarding things, in my opinion. It’s a joy and a great honor to be trusted to walk beside people as they seek to live out a new life missionally and grow their relationship with God. It’s also humbling, difficult and you end up learning so much more than you bargain for.


I will either be team leading once more or I will be asked to do another position called Squad Leading which will determine my fundraising amount and length of time overseas.

My next couple blogs will update you on what I’ve been learning as I am leaving Alaska, so look out for that soon!

Until then, please be praying for my new squad, we will be going to the 10/40 window that my previous squads also centered around. This region spans across the globe representing the most unreached places in terms of Christianity. I’ll have more information on this region in the next blogs as well.


I would love it if you wanted to follow along on this journey once more and subscribe for blog updates. If you want to talk on the phone or have questions please feel free to call me 214-364-7724.


I have halfway fundraised as of right now – if you feel led to donate, you can use the link above that says “Donate”! Or you can venmo me, etc. However if you choose to partner with me and this organization to spread the good news by donating, I just ask that you send me a quick prayer or update so I know what is going on in your life and in your heart.


Thanks for your time we will talk again soon 🙂