It’s hard to believe a week ago I found out that my squad was being sent home. I had just begun to appreciate what living life in community meant. The hard truths, the uncomfortable conversations, the growth, the group worship sessions, the beauty of being known and loved by a small group of people who were on the same journey as you, the lifelong friendships that had already formed. I missed it all. And what was I left with? A simple question that dared to stare me in the face. 


“Now what..?”


One of my teammates always talked about how every time she started to get comfortable with things, the Lord would switch it up and make her uncomfortable again. While most of us probably wouldn’t appreciate that, she had learned to embrace it and even found the beauty in it. We weren’t called to live comfortable lives. If we were always comfortable, we’d have no need for the Comforter. It’s in uncomfortable situations that we’re able to fully lean into God and press into all that He has for us. 


So as I’m faced with the question, “Now what..?” I will gladly lean into the Lord and listen to what He has to say. 


No, this isn’t how I pictured month 3 of the race to go, but that doesn’t mean my race is over. True, the field has changed and my community has switched but that doesn’t mean God isn’t working. There’s plenty to be done and I have a feeling God has so many things in store for us here in the states. We can choose to sit back, lay down and call it quits or we can press into the Lord and all that He has for us. 


So today, as we’re all faced with the question “Now what..?”, I want to give you some encouragement. None of us could have imagined this would happen. But I dare to say that none of us can imagine all the good that is going to come from it. Continue to pursue God and all His goodness. Follow the Holy Spirit. Pray for the man in the wheelchair. Talk to the random stranger in the grocery store. Give a smile and a hug to the lady sitting on the side of the road. Don’t stop living out your calling. Don’t stop loving others. And don’t forget that God will never stop loving you. 


No, this isn’t what I pictured. But I’m daring to believe it’s going to be better than anything I could’ve ever come up with. 


“Yet I will rejoice in the Lord and exult in my saving God.”                

                                                                                    -Habakkuk 3:18