When I tell people I’m going on the World Race, I get met with a variety of responses. So many people are so supportive and encouraging, and for that I am grateful. Often times the initial reaction is followed up by questions or exclamations about it being a long time or cost a lot of money. Basically, it may not make sense that I have decided to leave my family and friends for 11 months to live out of a 50lb hiking pack and a backpack. 

And if you are one of those people, I don’t blame you. This is a foreign idea to many people. (I hope you got that pun there.)

Because of that, I wanted to tell you why I decided to go on this adventure called the World Race.

  1. God has called me to it. Without a doubt.
  2. I don’t want to be wrapped in the American bubble where I don’t realize the plights of those in need and instead am focused on myself.
  3. I want to develop a deeper relationship with God that is only found in giving up everything I deem as valuable.
  4. I want bible-time faith. To be able to kill a giant, see someone healed, live in real community, and share the gospel even if my life is on the line. I don’t want to be afraid of situations like that.
  5. To share with those who have never heard of Jesus. Could you imagine having never heard? Someone needs to tell them!

I read a verse the other day that really spoke to me on why I need to go. Psalms 24:1 says, “The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it. The world and all its people belong to him.” God wants to use me on this trip to bring his people back into relationship with Him. Every person is His, and I want to help them realize that.