Pinterest is a wonderful world of creativity, fashion, food, and beautiful places (all my ladies say Amen!) Sometimes it can be a great start for getting organized, eating better, or the creation of something beautiful. Other times, it can lead to unmet expectations or hilarious fails.

Pinterest, however, is where it all started. Two years ago almost to the day, I was just browsing Pinterest, when I stumbled across a pin about traveling or something. Whatever it was, it looked interesting enough to click into the link which brought me to the World Race website. I clicked through almost every link on the website, watching videos, reading blogs, and even took a quiz to see if I would be a good fit for the World Race. I was so enthralled by the idea of going on a yearlong missions trip and traveling to different parts of the world. The dream of going was planted in my heart that day. 

One problem: I wasn’t old enough. I was 19, and you have to be 21 to go on the World Race.

I did, however, continue to spend a lot of time on their website. I even used the World Race as a subject for a speech in my public speaking college course. I made a neat little video and commercial for school assignments as well. It was on my brain quite frequently.

Then I made the decision to go to Tulsa to complete my second year of Bible College. During that year, I also decided to continue my college education at Southwestern Christian University. So, the dream of going on the World Race got pushed to the side, even though I would still think about it occasionally. I often pushed away the idea by saying it was a cool idea for someone else and that there was no way I could do something like this.

 A few months ago, I was reading the book, Dream Thieves, by Rick Renner. Through that book, God affirmed the fact that he had placed this dream inside of me and that I shouldn’t discount myself. My passion for the World Race was reignited, and I decided I would go. As I prayed about it, I really felt God was leading me to the routes that would leave in January 2017. I pretty much stalked the World Race page from the beginning of January until the routes were released. I thought I would go to Latin American countries, however I found myself being drawn to a route that went to Eastern European countries along with Asia and Southern Africa.

 I submitted my application, and waited. I knew it would take a while to hear back, but after a surprisingly quick week and a half, I heard back saying I was accepted! I was thrilled because the dream God had placed in my heart was becoming a reality! I’m still so excited and sometimes the realization that I’m actually going to do this hits me so hard, I just have to tell God how thankful I am for this opportunity.


 I’m starting to prepare, decide what gear I need, pray over my trip, compare gear, write letters, design magnets (more on that to come), and yet still try to be present in my current place. I don’t want to be looking forward to the next season of my life so much that I miss all the neat things God can do in this present season.

 So the trouble with Pinterest is that you may find something that will completely change your life. And maybe you should just let it.




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