In a country steeped in Hindu culture, Christians here tend to see God as a distant deity. Someone to say prayers to and worship in hopes that he would act on their behalf. Some of these children we are working with were Hindu up until a couple months ago. Our team decided to give them an activity to help them connect with God directly.
We spread out crayons and gave them each a piece of paper. The instructions were simple to think of the goodness and love of God and to draw a picture while we played worship music. We said they could draw anything that God showed them, but they responded with confused looks.
After what was going to be four songs and them requesting two more for extra time, we brought them together and asked them to share. One by one, they shared pictures about the love of God or attributes that stuck out to them. Some of them had words while others were pictures in pencil. They all said they loved the activity. It was amazing to see how all of them really took the activity seriously and wanted to connect with God.
We’ve went to a couple different churches and met some Christian friends of our host. Once they become Christian, Indians are very devoted to God. However, they face a long cultural tradition that discourages the spreading of the gospel. However, the gospel is still being spread. Even our ministry is focused on that.
The children here may have a parent or family that just can’t provide support or an education for their kids. Our hosts have brought children into their home to teach them about God and give them an education. Once these children get older, the goal is that they would go back to their families to help them and share Jesus with them.
Please pray for India as the most unreached people groups. There is so much that believers here are doing to spread the gospel and these people need it.
I hope this gives you some insight on what I’m doing here in India. I think our ministry to these kids is so crucial. They can hide the words and lessons in their hearts so they can stay close to God as they grow.
If this spoke to you, please consider giving towards what God is doing. My next deadline is the end of February and I need $13000 in my account. Also, if you would subscribe to my blog and keep me in your prayers, it would be greatly appreciated!