For the last four months I have been been on a team with these girls. We have spent almost every waking and sleeping hour doing community side by side and letting strangers become sisters. There has been a lot of memories and a lot of growth from this season that came from being around them so much. This week, we will be changing to new teams. So in honor of the Pearls of Faithfulness, we all reflected on our last four months together. {For this month we have had a squad leader Michelle with us too so she’s included.}


Memory I treasure: I loved getting to share in laughter around the table with meals every night around the table. Getting to cook with one another and enjoy what was prepared will sit near and dear in my heart.

Heart lesson: Each of you helped me to see what rest looks like. I was able to experience it fully and grow in giving myself that time to seek Him in the quiet.


Memory I treasure: All the times in the back of the big blue truck via the YWAM team-the dances, music playing, and being sprawled all over one another in trying to squeeze 15 people there.

Heart lesson: To get behind my own decisions and instead of worrying what other’s opinions are. Saying “I’m sorry” is more so a coping mechanism when actually it doesn’t need to be said at the moment.


Memory I treasure: In Boge when we all took a turn directing the group to the top of a small mountain and building an altar. Everyone shared at their 7th month mark and we sat in remembrance with the Lord.

Heart Lesson: Never be ashamed of how God made you and how that reflects in the way you love. He calls you to be confident, sure, and aware of your best self to all those around you whether small child or flea ridden dog.


Memory I treasure: That initial bonding night we had as a team in watching “About Time” all snuggled up together in Thailand enjoying the popcorn the teammates surprised us with. A memory that ties too is when we had a Thai and American picnic before uniting as a team to do joint village ministry.

Heart Lesson: Letting the Lord intervene in my relationship with Him, deepening it, and showing me how to pray.


Memory I treasure: While painting in Albania looking out the window with paintbrush in hand and seeing my team holding dinner in their smiles. They came with humility and in a Jesus-like manner ready to address a situation and love on me.

Heart Leson: The people that actually love you will walk out the hard things with you and you will become better, if not stronger, because of it.


Memory I treasure: With the stove burning and our team all snuggled up on the couch in Boge, Kosova as some people read their bibles, others sipped tea, and one another choosing to be near.

Heart Lesson: How important perseverance is through the trials, it makes situations so much more fulfilling. Letting contentment and joy come from waiting out the times that aren’t always your favorite. Trusting that HIS faithfulness is worth everything and letting Him work. Learning to see the bigger picture that God wants me to see.


Memory I treasure: As a team just laying in bed, loving on one another and shouting conversation throughout the small little cabin in Boge. All the teasing and closeness that came with being in such an intimate space.

Heart Lesson: Community is not always easy, you may have to put up multiple fights to get it to where the Lord wants it to be. The battle throughout it is worth it and brings you closer to those around you.


Memory I treasure: One of the first months and that week spent in the Thailand villages. Everything we did was done together and the process of working out our team kinks/getting to know the girls through the mundane and the opportunities we had.

Heart Lesson: What a privilege it becomes when you get value from fighting for community. The Lord places obligation on our heart to share lesson and gifts and freely at that.