During the last month, we saved up our adventure days (and ended up not getting sabbaths either) and we went to Greece for the last week. As we were leaving Kosove, I was thinking about how this was an “Ask the Lord” month and decided to do acts of kindness to celebrate my birthday. There was a week until birthday (our last day in Greece). It was so great as people were curious why we were doing these things with no expectation of payment or anything in return. We ended up having some great conversations, pushing ourselves out of our comfort zones, and blessing the people around us. I think I’m gonna implement it every year because I enjoyed it so much. Here’s what my team and I did:

~ Bought a snack and water for our bus driver (who ended up being the same one that brought us to Kosove!).

~ Taking pictures for two separate couples so they both could be in the pictures at tourist sites. 

~ Buying and freezing water bottles to hand out in the hot Greece summer.

~ Collecting clothing from our closets/backpacks to give to refugees

~ Taking pictures and printing polaroids for people at the White tower. We got to take a picture with one group of Vietnamese women from France!

~ Taking an afternoon to pray for my team, squad, and supporters back home

~ Buying someone’s ice cream

~ Handing out balloons to children

~ Letting someone go ahead of me at the juice place

~ buying pizza and water for a beggar man

~ Free prayer and worship on the boardwalk the night before my birthday