One of the most frequent questions I get asked is, “What will you be doing?” And the answer I give is, “Really anything.” And it’s true, because of the nature of the World Race, you do what the organization you’re partnering with does. Which could be anything from teaching english, building construction projects, working in orphanages, spreading love in the red light districts, even shoveling pig poop! (See a video that a previous team made in Albania below!).

But for real, our job on the World Race will be to serve, to love, and to grow closer to God! I’m getting more and more excited to leave, but I’ve also been making an effort to be present. I have an awesome family, job, and friends here that I get another 9 weeks with. Ministry doesn’t start when you leave the country-it starts the moment you open your eyes in the morning. As I’ve been talking to people, emailing, and writing thank you notes to my AWESOME SUPPORTERS (seriously, thanks), I keep encouraging people to find adventures and an extraordinary lifestyle wherever they are at. It doesn’t take an 11 month mission trip to 11 different countries to find excitement-and quite honestly if you think it does I can almost guarantee that you won’t find it. All it takes is a willing heart to look for whatever God is up to. God is the most adventurous, exciting, and creative mastermind that you’ll ever encounter and I can personally attest that life fully surrendered to God will be anything but boring.

**Check out this video of how the World Race changes lives! It might be the best 14 minutes you use today. We got a chance to watch this during training camp and there wasn’t a dry eye in the house. God’s heart is for adoption and family, check out this video to see that play out through the world race! **Please Note: Be prepared to cry.**

Stay tuned for more stories of what the World Race can look like! If you would like to subscribe (get an email notification for new blogs just enter your email in the “Subscribe for blog updates” section or just comment below and I will add you!
