My next financial deadline is December 19th (with donations needing to be in by the 17th). As of right now I need $1,900 to meet this next deadline. I know you’re probably thinking how the heck are you going to raise that amount?! And the truth is I can’t! However, I know that God has called me to the World Race and I know that He is always faithful to finish what He puts into motion. (Philippians 1:6)

I’m excited to partner with God and announce my new fundraiser!! How would you like to receive some international mail! Or, do you know someone who loves to get mail or collect stamps? Until Wednesday the 10th I’m inviting you to invest in me and in return you’ll get a post card from the country of your choice! (India, Nepal, South Africa, Swaziland, Mozambique, Latvia, Estonia, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam) Every donation of $25 increments will get you a custom postcard 🙂

Click the “Support Me” button at the top and make sure to enter the address you would like your card sent to!!

Message, comment, email me for more details!