Hello from month #6 in Cambodia! Wow, these months are flying by. Can you believe I’m already halfway done with the Race?! I come home this year!!! It’s really hard to believe. 


Vietnam was incredible. So many unexpected blessings. Our host was the sweetest elderly man who cared so well for us (we even got free lodging for the month!), our ministry was life-giving and unlike anything I’ve done before, and I fell in love with the culture from the minute we arrived in Da Nang. The people are friendly, the food is SO yummy, and the hustle and bustle reminded me of America which was comforting. A lovely gift from the Father that I will cherish forever. And I’ll for sure be back!!


But, like every other month so far, our time here was perfect by no means.


We struggled a lot individually, and collectively as a team at times.


This was our first month as Team Redefine, our first month in Asia, and our first time away from home during the Christmas season. You can imagine the transition we were all going through.


Like I mentioned, Vietnam felt a lot like America. Big cities, Starbucks, nice beaches, luxuries at our fingertips (for a fraction of the cost!), WiFi at every shop and cafe, air conditioning, and freedom to roam as we pleased. 


I was not expecting any of that when I arrived in Asia, so I was not only shocked, but took full advantage of every opportunity.


And the enemy used every opportunity to distract me from my purpose there.


I got so wrapped up in social media because of unlimited WiFi, massages & manis/pedis, and coconut coffee (the best thing ever), that it distracted me from a lot of ministry opportunities.


You know those people who eliminate carbs from their diet (cake, cookies, chips, etc.) 6 days a week, and allow themselves one “cheat” day on the weekend to indulge? That’s what I felt like coming to Asia after Africa. Except I didn’t realize it was like that until the end of the month, and I didn’t realize how harmful it was until it was too late.


Just like how binging on carbs after depriving your body of them is unhealthy, binging on Western luxuries after 4 months of being “deprived” of them (I wouldn’t consider my time in Africa deprivation by any means, but there’s no other way I can think to describe it) is toxic also.


Not only were these worldly things being used by the enemy to distract me from building relationships with locals and sharing the Gospel with shop-owners and such, but other things were plaguing my team with distraction as well.


4 out of the 6 of us had some sort of sickness/medical issue.

2 of us got locked out of our Facebook accounts with no way to re-login.

1 of us accidentally spilled information about us being missionaries in an *ahem* closed country to a supposed secret police officer.


And my brother, Dylan, spent 12 days in-hospital because of a hip infection.


That last one is what took me away the most from ministry last month.


Don’t get me wrong, I went to ministry every night, and had great conversations with the students, and gave my all in teaching and conversing to the locals. When it was convenient. When it was planned. When it didn’t take away from a selfish desire. 


I never sought these opportunities out. I never went the extra mile. I didn’t live how Jesus has asked of me.


I hate admitting these things, but it’s the truth.


Dylan went to the hospital unexpectedly one night, and had to have unexpected surgery the next day, only a few days before Christmas. It was really hard on my family and Dylan, of course. I felt awful. I wanted to be there, not only as his sister, but as a nurse. I felt a strong urge that I should go home for Christmas.


At first, when I prayed about it, I thought the Lord was going to send me home. I just had a deep, guttural feeling. If for some, God-forbidden, reason something had gone wrong unexpectedly in surgery, I would’ve been on the next flight home.


But the Lord told me to wait.


And wait.


And wait.


I waited four days, full of anxiety and anticipation, for the Lord to give me the go-ahead to book a flight.


He never did.


And I’m so glad He didn’t.


When I prayed, He told me that wherever I’d be for Christmas, it would be exactly where I was meant to be, and there’d be a reason I’d be there.


And boy, was He right.


Praise God that nothing out of the ordinary came from Dylan’s surgery, although he did spend the next week in the hospital dealing with spiking fevers and changing antibiotics. He is now much better and recovering at home. And *news flash* they were just fine without me! Thank you, Jesus.


When Christmas Day rolled around, I was so nervous. I thought I’d be homesick big time, and I especially felt bad because my family spent Christmas in the hospital. Boo.


But let me tell you, it was honestly one of my favorite Christmases ever, and definitely the most unique and special one yet.


This Christmas felt like home. 


Like I mentioned before, we had just switched teams when we arrived in Asia. I barely know these girls. Yet somehow, on this day, it felt like I’d known them for years.


We had the sweetest day opening secret Santa gifts, getting breakfast with our host, seeing Frozen II (in Vietnamese, may I add), and just spending time hanging out (and laughing, like always) as a team.


Thank you, Jesus, for this beautiful gift you have given us of community and intimacy with You.


I didn’t go home because I realized that was the enemy trying to distract me from the beautiful things the Lord had for me on the Race. He promised me before I left that this was exactly where I was supposed to be this year, and He never goes back on His promises. He is faithful to what He says, always. Praise God that even when I waver in my faith, even when I doubt Him, even when I am crippled with anxiety, even when I disobey His commands, that He is the same. That He still loves me. That He still shows up. That He is still gentle, patient, kind, and full of grace and mercy.


I’m so glad I have a Father like Him. I never want to go another day without knowing Him like I do right now. It’s the best relationship I’ve ever been in. And it’s only going to get better. Hallelujah!!!


In the comments below, tell me how the enemy has been distracting you from your purpose recently. It’s a common struggle in the States because of the convenience and abundance of so many worldly desires. Let me know, and I will be praying for you specifically!!


I love you all,
