Like randomly finding out that I can run eight miles.

I’ve never been a runner. I vividly remember being forced to run one mile around the track my freshman year of high school and nearly puking from huffing and puffing so hard. Running has always produced awful memories. Up until about a week ago.

Last Saturday afternoon, when I didn’t feel like biking all the way to the gym, I decided to go on a short, 30-minute jog. Nothing extravagant. Just a little exercise to get my blood pumping.

From the beginning, this run was different. Before I left, I prayed that God would give me the endurance I’d need to finish this run, since usually I would give up after the first half mile. I also prayed that I would use this run to honor my body as the temple of the Holy Spirit that it is.

Through this surrendering, I found that I didn’t feel the pressure I usually felt to run as fast or as far as I thought I should. I handed over my expectations to God and let Him take control of this time I gave to Him.

30 minutes in, I felt like I had just begun. I wasn’t anywhere near tired, so I pressed on. Another couple miles in, and nothing had changed. It wasn’t until I looked down at my watch and noticed I had *casually* run 6 miles that I realized I had completely lost myself in worship and the glorious (once-in-a-blue-moon) sunshine. My legs were numb at this point (thank you, 16 degree weather), and my feet were starting to hurt so I finally decided to go home.

How the heck did I just do that?!

I had never run farther than a 5k in my entire life, and out of nowhere, with no training, I ran over 6 miles?! Impossible.


For nothing is impossible with God.

Luke 1:37


Oh. That’s right.

When I handed my strength over to God, He made what I had deemed impossible, very easily possible.

Wow, God, You are so mighty!

This running thing made me think about the Race. Because at this point in my life, everything seems to make me think about the Race (can you tell I’m excited?!).

Thoughts about doing ministry in countries I’ve never been to, with people I’ve never met, and through cultural barriers that will make communicating difficult, make me feel inadequate. Some days, the thought of taking on this huge journey seems daunting, and may I say, impossible. But, after this recent redemption of my past disdain of running, I’m reassured He can do anything He pleases. All it requires of me is prayer and obedience.

And that is something I’m willing to sacrifice.

I’m willing to hand over all of my anxieties, expectations, fears, and doubts, to let Him turn them into avenues of glory.

I fully believe that the “unknown” aspect of the World Race (the fact that I won’t know much of what to expect in each country until a few weeks before) gives God room to turn unforeseen mysteries into beautiful adventures. He is going to surprise me big time, and I am eagerly awaiting all of the miracles He will unveil month by month.

What a time to be alive. All the glory to God!


Much love,




As you can probably see at the top of this page, we have raised over $10,000 FTK (for the Kingdom!). I am over halfway funded, and I am s t o k e d.

Throughout this journey so far, I have specifically and intentionally prayed over the hearts of potential supporters, and I have definitely seen the fruit of those prayers through the generous offerings of hundreds of people so far. I am beyond grateful for every single donation that is given to support this mission of building the kingdom of God.

This $10,000 mark means I have met my 2nd fundraising goal. I can now officially launch with my squad in August! I’m so, so excited.

Thank you all for your unwavering support, and if you still want to donate to my fund, you can do so directly through this page! Please do not hesitate to contact me for more information or to answer any of your questions!


T H A N K  Y O U  A G A I N!!!