…until 2020. Yes that might be an exaggeration and a bit of clickbait, but life as I know it will be drastically different when I return from the World Race. As much as I love the comfort of these long college winter breaks and time to do nothing but sit on the couch and bask in the glory of no responsibility, I know that this is the last year my life will ever look like this.

After I return from the World Race, I will (hopefully) get a nursing job where I will be required to work holidays and weekends regularly, so my time at home in Cleveland will be cut short.

Next year, I will spend Christmas in Vietnam and I am P U M P E D! Although (as my mom loves to remind me) I will be missing our traditional Christmas at home – going to Christmas Eve mass, visiting with my dad’s family at their holiday party, going to bed with a child-like excitement in hopes that Santa will visit, and waking up Christmas morning ready to spend the day opening gifts surrounded by family – I’m positive I will feel the same joy with my World Race squad on the other side of the globe.

This assurance comes because this is what I realized not too long ago when I started following Jesus:

It is not – never has been, and never will be – about the decorations, the snow, the tree, the gifts, Santa Claus, the music, or cozy blankets and a good book.

The joy of Christmas is found in the One who is joy – Jesus Christ, our Messiah.

Sure, I will probably miss all the Christmas things that I have grown up experiencing every year.  And I know the Vietnamese traditions I will take part in will be new and probably uncomfortable at times, but the one thing that won’t change between this Christmas and next Christmas is Christ himself: the reason for the darn holiday in the first place.

See, no matter where I spend Christmas next year or 50 years from now, when not only my family traditions but the world will look a whole lot different, Jesus remains the same.


For a child is born to us, a son is given to us. The government will rest on his shoulders. And he will be called: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

Isaiah 9:6


What more could we possibly need?

Sure, the newest iPhone will make you happy and giddy for a few days before it gets old and taken for granted, but my Jesus gives me all the joy, peace, love, guidance, wisdom, and understanding I could ever need in this lifetime.

And here’s the cool thing: the iPhone X comes in a nicely packaged box and can be wrapped in cute Santa wrapping paper to make the big unwrapping moment aesthetically pleasing.

JESUS, however, came to Earth wrapped in dirty cloths and was placed (not under a color-coordinated, perfectly-shaped Christmas tree) in a dinky manger meant for farm animals. Our God, the Most High, the One who came to save each and every one of us from our dirty, messed-up, undeserving sinful lives, came in the most humble fashion imaginable.

Nothing we do could ever repay Him for His choice to come down from His comfortable place in Heaven to save His children, us, whom He knows and loves each by name.

What a Savior.

I don’t know about you, but I find this miracle something to be celebrated big! No material gift wrapped in pretty wrapping paper could ever make me more excited than the gift of eternal life in Heaven with my everlasting Father who was born this Christmas day.

Get excited, people, JESUS IS ALMOST HERE!


One of my greatest blessings this Christmas is the fact that I am already almost 20% funded!!

H O L Y  C O W friends!!!

Fundraising was my biggest insecurity going into this World Race journey, but I chose from the beginning to surrender this part to God, and He has blessed me abundantly as a result. I am overjoyed and I cannot wait to see all that He has in store for me this upcoming year! A very special thank-you again to each and every one of my supporters. I seriously cannot express enough gratitude toward you all for your unwavering support throughout this process so far.

However, this race isn’t finished yet (no pun intended), and I still need over $20,000 to fully cover all of my expenses for my year abroad.

If you would like to choose to support me this Christmas season, I am still looking for monthly supporters as well as one-time gift-givers. You can either click the orange “Donate!” button at the top of my page or send a check to Adventures in Missions (put CRASIALLISON on the memo line). 

Adventures in Missions

    P.O. Box 742570

 Atlanta, GA 30374-2570 

I also, more importantly, need prayer! Prayer for peace in this stressful preparation season, prayer for God’s provision in this process, and prayer for my heart and the hearts of my squad members, that we would keep our eyes fixed on Jesus and His calling on our lives rather than the worldly desires and lies tempting and pulling us from our purpose every day.

Thank you thank you thank you in advance if you choose to support me in any way. I am blessed beyond measure and I don’t take it for granted for one second.


Much love & Merry Christmas,
