I’ve been trying to think of the best and most accurate way to express my thoughts on this topic that is very important to me. This is a really important concept that I want people to try and understand as best as possible because it is truly eye-opening.

I want to tell you what I mean, and how YOU truly can make a difference for the Kingdom of God for His glory, when you join with me in my Race…by donations, financial support, prayer, and encouragement. No matter how “little” you donate or how much you don’t feel like your presence or prayers aren't making a difference… THEY ARE.

We don’t always (more like hardly ever) understand how God works and how He uses all of creation to work together for Him. But it is beautiful mystery that I love. Your one prayer prayed in faith could heal a little boy’s life in Asia… that you may never meet or ever hear of. Your prayers prayed in faith for the World could result in banishing demon's in one man's dreams, allowing Jesus to show up and convict American missionaries to go and tell that man the gospel so He & his family may know Jesus!! (read the incredible story here) Your prayers may heal a girl in Europe from her illness or emotional distress in from life by God’s grace. 

A gift of even $5 is, together with others obedience, amounting to sending one out to “Go and make disciples” and to proclaim the Good News to those who have never heard and allow the opportunity for one thousands of miles away to know Jesus. And that could not happen without you….. you.  Seriously.

One thing that completely blows my mind about God and His perfect plan is how He orchestrates everything together…. Every single little detail in life works together perfectly in our lives.

Okay bla bla bla… with all that said. I want you to know the difference you are making by joining with me as I head for the World. And if you're reading this through my FB page because you've already "Liked" the cause, I'm assuming that's my cue you're taking this as seriously as I am and am in this for the long haul with me.

By offering even one prayer, $11, or a supportive friendship along the way, we are in this together. If you are a Christ-follower who has been born again into the family of God by accepting the free gift of salvation by repenting, believing Jesus is Lord and Him dying on the cross, we are one Body in Christ. We are His family. We are His hands and feet. And we are responsible for each other to love, help, support, give, encourage, forgive, and so much more.

I may be the physical hands and feet leaving America to go and make disciples and tell the World about Jesus, but without sending me, praying, helping, and just offering plain kindness through my Brothers, Sisters, family, friends, and strangers along the way, God work would not get done. And most importantly, if we all are not being sensitive and obedient to His Spirit when He tells us something, we are sinning and not experiencing the best life that we can have through Him.

So this is my cry to you for help. For you to join with me in this journey. This journey of obedience (because God knows I have a lot to learn on this topic myself), repentance and surrender (every day after day after day) selfishness, generosity, and love. I have joined others in the past on their journeys and have been so blessed and found joy knowing that even my "little part" helped change the world in a huge way!

Will you please join with me by praying and LITERALLY donating a portion of your earnings (that’s right, I seriously just asked you) to this cause? To bring the love of Jesus to the nations. Because I can’t do this on my own. I’m “going” because God for some reason told me to and I know He’s going to rock my world and do crazy things and break me and I believe He also wants to rock your world too and bless you through this adventure as well as you join with me. Believe it. Trust in faith my friend. Let’s do life together.

Romans 10:14-15
How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!"