Six years and one month ago, I embarked on a world-wide adventure with Jesus that, to this very day, continues to *change my life. 


To my dear old and current friends,


HI! Do we still speak? Are we friends on social media? Has life and time gotten away from us so we simply live in the blessed and distant memory of one another? Wherever you are, know that you are loved, appreciated, and made for more.


“Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask for imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.” Ephesians 3:20 


Quick recap on the last 5.2 years of my life (returned from the WR Aug. 2014). Since then I’ve:

  • Continued in my passion for running which now includes a couple marathons
  • Fully given in to the whole foods plant-based diet. Go plants!
  • Been to 11 new countries (30 now, and counting)
  • Found out I’m preeeeetty good at coordinating stuff and recruiting people. So that keeps me busy during the 9-5.
  • Can’t stop won’t stop traveling
  • Invested more time, money, and energy into making Christ known near and far
  • Moved to the most overrated state in the world- Texas
  • Gotten a couple tattoos
  • Officially entered a new decade of life


Completely unbeknownst, and very much unexpected just 6 years ago, my time on The World Race served as a catalyst to where God currently has me.  

So, what am I doing now? Living my best life in Dallas, TX. I have the pleasure of serving as a full-time missionary at International Commission under the title of “Director of Special Projects and Events” and in my apartment complex. Yup, sometimes I go on mission trips to other countries, and sometimes I go right next door to my neighbors. It’s really fun! 


God has also blessed me with an incredible man who I call my “Welcome to Texas Gift” from God. His name is Ethan and he did the World Race one year after me. We met here in Dallas at a WR alumni meet up two weeks after I moved. Thanks God! *Case and point. 


My involvement with The World Race has impacted so much of my life. I’m in a relationship because of it. I’ve gained new friends and Family members because of the Race. I’ve gotten to continue to be a part of building God’s Kingdom all over the world through supporting contacts. I’ve gotten to mentor and have conversations with future Racers. I’ve learned to understand, listen, and appreciate different people, cultures, traditions, and religions. I could go on.



All I want to say is- Thank you. 

Thank you World Race for changing my life. 

Thank you to each friend, family member, old roommate, college peeps, and church members for loving and supporting me through this. I hope to never take for granted your presence in my life.

Thank you for reading this and for caring.


I hope I continue to grow and change for the better, and I pray the same for you. If you’d like to continue to keep in touch, support, and/or otherwise follow along with what God’s up to in my current area of service at International Commission, click here. <3


Much love,
