Hello Friends and Family!

I hope you all are doing well since we last spoke. As many of you may know, in May 2012 I had the incredible opportunity to go with a team to Nepal where we built relationships and shared the love of Jesus in the Himalayan region. Through that trip, the Lord opened my eyes and grew me in a thousand different ways showing me that 3 of my passions in life are God, People, and Traveling. Now, I am here to tell you about another very exciting opportunity in my life I am about to embark on in the next year.

Beginning September 2013, I will be traveling around the world to 11 different countries for 11 months with an organization called Adventures In Missions through their program called The World Race! The Lord laid this desire on my heart almost as soon as I returned home to the US after Nepal. While on The World Race, my team and I will be simply living, loving, and serving as Jesus and his disciples did among the people. We will be partnering with local churches and ministries to love and minister to anyone from women trapped in prostitution, orphans, the homeless, sick, and widows, to planting churches, building wells, making disciples, and so much more beyond words.  But above all, we will be bringing restoration and hope of God’s love to many tribes and nations.

I am so grateful for this opportunity and excited for how the Lord will continue to break, challenge, and grow me, but most of all I’m just praying that His name will be glorified through every step! Though the challenge is a bit daunting, I have full confidence that the Lord will supply all of my needs for the trip and ultimately my prayer is that He will do that through you! Would you consider partnering prayerfully and financially with me in this ministry? I must raise $15,500, which covers all of my expenses on the field for a year. A financial contribution may be given as a one-time gift or as a monthly donation, wherein you choose the amount, beginning, and end date.

You may make a donation online right here by clicking on the “Support me!” tab to the left <<<. Feel free to also “Subscribe for Blog Updates” by entering your e-mail if you would like to follow my progress during this period and keep up with what’s going on once I leave!

I am very grateful and excited for this opportunity to see how God will move, not just in my life, but also in the lives of others including you! Together, we can all take part in a greater purpose by being the hands and feet of Christ in various ways to bring Him to the nations!! Thank you in advance for your prayers, encouragement, and support.

In His Love,
Allison Braun