There’s a story of God’s incredible faithfulness and miraculous “just in the nic of time” provision that I’d like to share with you. I hope you will be encouraged by this because this is something that I never want to forget. When I feel like God won’t provide or that something won’t work out, I turn to this story to try and snap me out of it knowing that HE WILL. He knows exactly what we need, when we need it. And He likes to keep us “waiting” up until the very last minute that we’re sweating it out so that in the end we know that what is done could ONLY happen through Him… and give Him all praise and glory 🙂

Last year I was in the process of fundraising to go on my first missions trip to Nepal. I had certain financial deadlines I had to meet throughout the year and before I knew it, there was one week left and I still needed about $1,100. That’s right. 7 days, $1,100.

Crazy impossible, right?

I prayed and prayed and prayed like crazy that week. Anyone who would listen I would tell them my need “subtly” (like sharing my prayer request in my classes at my Christian college secretly hoping my classmates would feel so compelled to give me a couple bucks by the end of class). Fundraising is something I find no joy in at all and it is a very uncomfortable and awkward thing for me to do for many reasons. But in the end, I know it is the Lord who ultimately provides through any and all means.

So, I’m praying like a crazy woman with all faith I can muster, still doubting if $1,100 in 7 days is even possible.

About 3 days away from my deadline I was eating with my friend at my school café where I picked up a silly fortune cookie on my way out the door from the Asian section. In my heart I prayed, “Please God, I know its’ crazy, but I just need a sign. Please, I need a sign. Show me that you’re here and that you will provide. Give me a sign.”  I opened up the fortune with as much hope as possible and it simply read “At this time stay focused on your goal. You will succeed”.

Really God? Wait, is this really you?? Please let it be. Will you really provide? I trust you. I believe you. Please let this be you. Help me to have faith to believe and trust you in this.

Finally, the day came when I received by current account balance notification from the mission’s organization. Before opening it, I sat down in a quiet room by myself and prayed….. hoping for the very best but also preparing myself for the worst, knowing that it wasn’t the end of the world if the money didn’t come in this time, it would come in His timing.

I took a deep breath, opened up the paper, and there it was.

Just over 1,100 graciously and miraculously provided dollars.

I sat there in silence and cried. And praised God.

I tear up just thinking about that holy moment now as I pray I will never forget that my God is bigger than any amount of money. And it’s through the Holy Spirit and obedience of His people that He blesses others and provides in indescribable ways.