According to popular World Race photos, 90% of people take their photos holding cardboard WR signs outside in a cornfield, on the side of a road, in front of an abandon house, or with foreign children. I understand what I’m getting myself into and that soon my life will possibly consist of these things on a daily basis, but is it okay if I took mine with Disney Princesses? I mean, I find it only fitting- from a real life daughter of the King of Kings to my favorite royalty since childhood.
Also, I’ve done the missionary thing. You know, going over a week without showering, living out of a backpack, using squatty potties, baby wipes, and smelly, non-trendy clothes- all in the name of Jesus. It was only for 2 weeks though. But I must admit, I enjoyed it. It was so nice to not worry about what I looked like. It was nice to not care. And the best part, it was acceptable. Though coming back to America kind of messed with me as ever since I’ve become a lot more lax on my appearance. I used to care a lot. I used to try. But after not caring and not trying, it’s been a much easier lifestyle. I just don’t know if it’s quite acceptable by American standards.
But if it’s okay with The World Race- I can’t wait to be a hippy again. Just load me up with a bunch handmade bracelets from each country, head wraps, mismatched clothes, and put me on the back of a scooter….. Let’s do this. Jesus doesn’t care how I look or how I smell. I believe He can still use a stinky Christian.