In less than a week I will be leaving my familiar home once again, traveling to Atlanta for "Launch", and then getting this World Race thing started! After a year's worth of prepping, praying, making, and planning, I literally cannot believe THE WORLD RACE IS FINALLY HERE!
September 2013 has been a site to look forward to for so long and now it's here.
China is my first stop. And I really don't think it's hit me yet that I will be going, living, and serving in China by this time next week. If I've gotten the chance to talk to you at all in depth about my testimony, decisions on choosing The Race, or where I'm most looking forward to going, then you have heard me tell you about China. If not, allow me to share a bit of my heart with you.
The church I grew up in is big on missions. As a middle schooler, I remember sitting in "big church" and hearing the pastor talk about communist China and how religiously suppressed it is. Christians are not free to worship or meet as we are and any church meetings must be done in private. He also mentioned that China did not have a lot of Bibles and that most of these "underground churches" may only have simply a couple pages or just one portion of the Bible to gather and read around. This broke my heart hearing that they had no bibles and secret churches while I have like 3 and publicly attend church on the reg. A couple times a year our church would take up an offering for "Bibles for China" and I was always sure to give money so they could know the Truth.
While going through an old Bible in my room the other day, I found this list of prayer requests. I probably wrote it around 9th grade. And there at the bottom is listed China.
For almost 10 years I've been praying for China just hoping for the chance to one day go, fellowship with the believers, share the Word, and participate in the opportunity to tell others of the saving love of Jesus Christ.
So when I was singing up for the World Race and trying to decide which "route" to go on, as soon as I saw "September Route 1" with China listed, I immediately felt the assurance of God saying, "That's the one". I had such confidence and peace.
I get to go to China next week. And with almost a decades worth of prayers blowing up heaven, I can't wait to see how the Lord's rockin' it there! And now He's letting us be a part of it!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you Jesus. And thanks to all my supporters for making this possible! You're a part of this with me and I can't wait to tell you more in person!!!!!
Chopsticks and rice… bring it on.