One Saturday in Cambodia, while pink eye was just gracing our village with its presence, my teammate Bethany and I decided to have a chick-flick movie day.

We took our sleeping pads off our bed, plopped them on the ground in the middle of our room, and set my laptop on play. Sometimes you just need an extremely lazy day like this on the Race, just like you would at home, where you lay in bed in your PJs all day and watch movies. 

With Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan as our back round, we moved as little as possible so we could maybe, just maybe feel the slight breeze of that high ceiling fan in our 90 degree room. Our marathon was interrupted a few times in which, as one would do, we had to pause the movie.

Now, normally when you have a movie marathon, you would pause the movie for things such as bathroom breaks, pop some more popcorn, get the ice cream, call Dominos to order some delivery, or grab another blanket. But when you’re living a World Race lifestyle, one would only dream that’s the reason for pausing a movie. Now let me give you the reasons for our movie pauses:

First break. There’s something warm. As I cuddle our brand new, innocent little fluff ball, I realize that the puppy just peed on me. And not just my hand, and arm, but the pee is now running down my precious sleeping pad. “Awww dang it pause the movie the puppy just peed on me!!”

Second break. More eye drops. Bethany:“OMG MY EYES ARE BURNING I WANT TO RIP THEM OUT!” Me: “Okay hold on! *pauses movie* Here let me put sommore drops in them. I should probably put drops in my eyes too just so I don’t get it.”

Third break. What is that I’m used to seeing lizards run around everywhere, but what I had my eye on coming into our room was no ordinary lizard. It didn’t seem like a threat until it came really close and was getting into our stuff. “Guys… there’s a really scary baby dragon lizard thing in our room… AHH!” *pauses movie* Our Cambodian friend plus some guys came to the rescue. Turns out, it was a poisonous lizard. No big deal. We just almost died.

Forth break. Red ants. Since crackers were our movie snack, crumbs naturally fell everywhere, which attract ants like crazy. And not just normal black ants, crazy Asian red hot fire ants! And since we were laying on our sleeping pads which is exactly 1.25inches off the ground, this became a problem.  “Alright stop the movie there’s ants everywhere!”


Just another glimpse of World Race life 🙂