Borrowed from a Fellow Squad mate <3

So what exactly is the World Race?

From the website:  “The World Race is a stretching journey into 11 countries in 11 months to serve "the least of these" while amongst real and raw community. This unique mission trip is a challenging adventure for young adults to abandon worldly possessions and a traditional lifestyle in exchange for an understanding that it's not about you; it's about the Kingdom.”

What will we do, specifically? The World Race is an 11 month Christian missions trip in which we build churches and schools, work with orphans, hold Vacation Bible Schools (VBS) for kids, visit hospitals, help communities in any way that we are needed, minister and love the homeless, windows, and poor, teach English, run sports camps, conduct ministry, hold church services in remote areas, but above all in all and through all we will be proclaiming Jesus' name and the Gospel! We have a specific focus in each geographic area. In Asia, we will be working to save women and children from human sex trafficking. We will reach out to them and teach them that although they may be broken, God still loves them and has a plan for them. In Africa, we will work with orphans, bringing aid, clothing, water, outreach, hope, and bible schools. In Eastern Europe, we will work with Gypsies and people with disabilities. In the Mid-East (India, Nepal). we will be reaching out, washing the feet of lepers, creating shelters, and working against things such as prostitution, human trafficking, and religious persecution( This is a estimated over view, it could be subject to change ). One thing is for sure, it's going to be quite the journey, and we are going to do a LOT of good through love. Please help us.

How will we do it? I will be traveling with a squad of around 65 people to each country leaving in September of 2013 and returning in July of 2014. When we arrive in each country we will then spilt up into groups of 6 or 7 and go to various locations to work with different ministries for the month. The cost of this trip is $15,500 which I have to raise myself. Although you may not be called to serve on the mission field, you may be lead to support someone who is! We are asked to keep a blog for our entire trip so you will be able to see how your money is being used!

Here is a breakdown of how the funds are applied:

 You can either donate by clicking the "Support Me" Tab on the side or sending a check to "Adventures in Missions" PO box 534470 Atlanta, GA 30353 with BRAUNALLISON  in the memo line.

  • $3,500 – Due 6/29/2013, 2 weeks before Training Camp (DEADLINE MET!!)
  • $6,500 – Due 8/18/2013, 2 weeks prior to trip (about $1,600 away!)
  • $11,000 – Due 12/1/2013, End of 3 months on the field.
  • $15,500 – Total Due (a few days before) 3/1/2014, End of 6 months on the field.


Any and every little bit counts and you wouldn't BELIEVE the amount of praise that I give Jesus whenever I see a donation added to my account. It's like Christmas morning. And I am humbled. Thank you all <3