Like any important relationship, sometimes you need to try something new to spice things up.


With my departure for the Race merely now a month away, my Squad mates and I were discussing a few days ago what we could do to challenge and grow ourselves in these last few weeks.

One of the leaders we met at TC, Michael, mentioned that he did a 40 day experiment in which he challenged himself to find a new way to worship God every day. I was immediately drawn to this idea and starting the next day would mark the 40-day countdown to Launch! It was perfect.

I decided that every night before I went to bed I would think and pray of how to worship God in a new way for the next day. 

So for Aug. 1, Day 1, I decided to worship God by going on a walk. I had no expectations. That’s just what He laid on my heart to do so I simply committed.


Colossians 3:17 “And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him."


I set out walking around my neighborhood, talking, and just basking in God’s presence all around me.

A couple turns later I arrived at a little community park I’d never seen before. The gate was open, so I entered only to find the quaintest little dock overlooking a quiet lake.

The water was still. The grass green. The sky clear blue with fluffy clouds.

I have always found worship in beauty and nature and this was something so special that I know God wanted to share with me. 

I don’t know how long I lay on that dock. But I just felt so loved in that moment. I enjoyed the peaceful, sunny, quiet, still moments hanging out with God.

I share this story with you because I questioned whether to take on this “experiment”. I questioned whether going on a walk would be worshipful. And I procrastinated all day because I was so busy doing other things. But God laid it on my heart, I told Him I would, and I figured I’d “give it a shot”.

If you are a Believer in Jesus Christ, you have the Spirit of God living inside of you. God loves us so much and pursues us DAILY. He wants to cover His children with His love and blessings in different ways. He pursues us through His Spirit but I think we more often than not, ignore what He lays on our hearts. We think it’s weird, scary, unnatural, or difficult. But trust me when I say when we obey Him in whatever way, shape, or form that looks, we truly get to live our best life that He created us to enjoy for His glory.

What is God laying on your heart today?

1 Corinthians 10:31, “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”





*For those of you who follow my blog or keep in touch with me on a regular basis, I encourage you to frequently ask, "how did you worship God today?" I don't want to give up. I don't want to become lazy. Challenge me. And allow me to share how God's continuing to love and pursue me.