I have been putting off this blog post because I have been putting off processing the fact that I am going on the World Race. Wow…to say that out loud gives me chill bumps. This is the biggest decision/ adventure I have ever decided to do and I am going to be real I am so nervous, but I know for fact this is what the Lord has called me to do and he has made it beyond clear to me to where I could not ignore it. 

Some people are probably wondering why I would want to go to a foreign country that could be dangerous. Why not just stay here and invest in my church? Well as much as I would love to stay with my family and friends, I have known for quite some time that the Lord was calling me to be a missionary far away in a different country that would push me out of my comfort zone like I would never believe. I use to crave comfort, but the Lord in these past 4 years has given me a taste for nations of people who don’t have the oppurtunity to get to freely worship the Lord. My heart has been softened and broken for the beautiful people in the Middle East who have to endure war, persecution, judgement, when in reality all these people need is the gospel and the love of our God. Not only is this the same for people in the Middle East, but for every single person in the entire world.

Now some of you who know me really well are probably thinking what is Allison thinking, she has never been out of the united states and isn’t the most outdoorsy person. I would say you are right! I am the most unqualified person for the World Race. The trip requires me to be 23… I’m 22, but they want people in the 25 range. The trip requires me to hike 4 miles in under an hour with a 40 pound pack… I can’t walk up my 3 flights of stairs without having to catch my breath. This trip requires me to do a lot that I am not qualified in, but yet I was accepted. The Lord who spoke the world into place and who sent his son to die for me choose me, the most unqualified person to be a part of this. Not only to do the world race, but to go on a route that will take me to the most unreached people groups in the world… including the Middle East. WOW! Are you shook yet because I am still pretty shook. Like I said, the Lord has made it quite evident that this is what I am called to do, and choosing to obey him is the most exhilerating and nerve-racking thing I have ever done, but I cannot wait.

On this trip, I will be going to Spain, Morocco, Israel, Jordan, Cyprus, Georgia, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, and China. I will spend a month in each country showing the love of God and spreading the good news of Jesus. I may be living out of a tent or living in a hostel. I may be doing construction or prayer walking. I will get sweaty and smelly. I will get bruised and probably fall A LOT. I will walk more than I have in my entire life. I will be in the gym everyday before I launch getting so dang sore. I will miss out on big important family and friends events. I will miss weddings, graduations, birthdays, births, and funerals, but I will gladly miss it because if the wind goes where the Lord sends it…SO WILL I.