You all can help me with my World Race preparations in 2 ways:

1. Pray for me and my squad
2. Support my cause financially

I need to raise $15,500 in order to go on this mission trip. In addition, I need to raise a few hundred extra dollars for medical insurance and gear: backpack, sleeping bag, tent, etc.

I know it sounds like a lot – it's a pretty scary big number! But I know that God will provide if this is what He has called me to do. 

There are 2 formats in which you can give:

1. One-time donation
2. Monthly donation

If 100 people pledge to donate $15 per month for 10 months, I will have nearly met my goal. 

Here are the 2 ways to donate:

1. Click the "Support Me!" link to the left hand side of my page. 

Just FYI – if you support me online, there will be a 5% credit card processing fee which can be avoided by sending a check.

2. Send a check made payable to "Adventures in Missions" to the address below:

Adventures In Missions

PO Box 534470

Atlanta, GA 30353-4470

On the memo line, please write TACKETTALLISON. Or, feel free to send me an e-mail using the "Holla At Me!" link (ha), and I can send you a support card to mail with your check, which will ensure everything is credited to my account.

Here are the financial milestones I must meet along the way in order to go on/stay on the World Race:

  • $3,500 – Due 5/5/2012 (2 weeks before Training Camp)
  • $6,500 – Due 6/17/2012 (2 weeks prior to your trip)
  • $11,000 – Due 10/1/2012 (End of 3 months on the field)
  • $15,500 – Total Due 1/1/2013 (End of 6 months on the field)

Please note that pledged donations do not count towards these amounts – the money must actually be in my account on these dates.

Thank you everyone for anything you're able to give, be it prayerfully or financially. I really appreciate your support!