Hello all!

Well, it’s that time again: moving day.

I left the beautiful city of Prague at 5:30 AM [up and running at 3:30] on Tuesday (7-13). 36 hours, 4 trains, 3 layovers, and 4 countries later, I have finally arrived to Moldova [praise the Lord]! I’m sure most of you are wondering where Moldova is even located. Admittedly, I had never heard of this country before the race. *Information to come shortly about this little known place.*

Even though I feel very blessed to have the opportunity to bring Kingdom to another country, my heart is aching to remain with the Czech people.


Well, yes, the fact that it is now on my list of favorite spots may possibly have something to do with wanting to stay. It’s not the reason my heart breaks to stay though.

The people of Prague are surrounded by beautifully ornate cathedrals, that are dressed with saints and lined with figures of Jesus hanging by the Cross. Throughout the whole city stories of the bible come to life through elaborate sculptures and masterpieces that scream of the redemption that took place at Calvary.

But imagine it being just that. Art. Stories. Folklore. 

As I walked the streets, as a Christian, I was constantly reminded of the sacrifice Jesus made to save me. To save humanity.

Sadly, that is not the conviction for most people who are residents of the area. It is considered one of the most atheistic countries in the world. To them, Jesus was just a man that did good things, and “church” is only a museum for beautiful art. Most don’t even know what worship is, and if told about a church service, they would question what that actually meant. 

There is literally a whole generation that has never heard of the beautiful Kingdom of God. They have no understanding that the stories are real, that the good man Jesus did conquer the grave, and that Heaven is available to them here and now.

Being in the midst of this reminded me how important it is to pass the baton

You’re probably wondering what I mean by this. 

Think, relay race.

In a relay race, the person running passes a baton to the person next in line. The person waiting cannot start until the baton is placed in his/her hand

It is so important for those of us “running” to pass on what has been given to us, because if we continue to sit idly with it, the generation underneath us will not be able to go forward.

I am fearful that if the Church today sits quietly with the truth and love that is inside of them, there will be a whole generation throughout the nations that will be in the dark about the man sent from Heaven that died so we may have eternal life.

The truth is God is awakening a generation to the truth of what His Kingdom is really made of. But it’s not just about the call. It’s more about the response. The decisions we make today are not going to just affect us, but generations to come.

My reason for going on the race was because God asked me to go. If I were to be perfectly honest, I can think of many other things I would rather be doing. Instead, I traded my bed for a sleeping mat; a closet for a 40 pound bag; a shower for a bucket. I’m in month 10/11 now. I miss my family. I miss being alone. I miss being able to just get in my car and drive. It’s not glamorous most days. Often times, truthfully, I wish I was back home in my comfort.

But I know this life is worth it. More worth than the life I left.

It’s worth it because I have the privilege to travel the world, telling my story of how the real, living God has radically changed my life. Even though I’m not comfortable most days, I still question why the Lord chose me to do this. It truly is a gift that I have been given the opportunity to pass on the truth about the Kingdom of Heaven.  God didn’t ask me to go because of any special quality I possess. He asked me to go because He knew I would be willing to lay down my life for His.

I will not be ashamed of the Gospel because it is the light, the hope, the freedom, and the purest love that screams from my very being. And it is a free gift to every single person.

And God has asked me to pass this on.

God desires that we would get back all of the years that the enemy has stolen. But He asks us to fight in this great spiritual battle. 

He is looking for an army willing to preach the Kingdom, using words if necessary. He is looking for men and women that will fight with their love. He is looking for people who are willing to dance and shout and lift up their voices for the sake of His Kingdom coming down.

For those of us walking in freedom, with truth and love bound to our hearts, it is because of a generation that was willing to lay down their very lives for the sake of others knowing God. 

I challenge you, however it looks, to pass the baton.

For God desires that none would perish, but that all would have everlasting life.