Hello family, friends, and supporters!

It’s hard to believe that I am actually informing all of you that I’m in my 11th month, the last month, of the World Race. Although I am feeling the effects of being ready for the race to end, it is quite a surreal feeling that almost 11 months has actually gone by. In 25 days I will board a plan back to the great US of A. My mind is still too jumbled to even try and process how I am feeling and the realities of going home.

I am caught between being completely here, but at the same time, preparing myself for reentry.

I will say God has definitely blessed me this month in preparation for coming home. We are actually staying with a missionary family from America. Bruce and Pia McDonald have twelve children, ranging from age 27 to 3; only 5 kids are living with them though. Staying with an American family has given us the pleasure of experiencing home as much as we can for living in another country. The only difference is there is only A/C in the kitchen- I like to stand in front of the fans as much as humanly possible! We do, however, have western toilets, a shower, food we are accustomed to, and beds! Even though the outside looks nothing like America, when I step inside their home, a part of me feels like I am back.

I am in an area of Ukraine called Luganst Oblast, about 10 miles from the Russian border (where all the fires are- prayers are definitely welcomed). Yesterday it was a whopping 120 degrees. And this is not like back home where aircon is highly accessible. I’m never going to complain about being hot in Florida ever again… at least I can escape it! Honestly, I don’t know how the people here do it: Arizona heat in the summers and then Russian winters! It is a blessing that it gets fairly cool once the sun goes down, so I don’t sweat in my sleep like I did in the villages of Cambodia or Africa.

Softball camps. The Lord gave Bruce a really awesome vision to do softball camps in the community. Everyone here plays futbol (soccer), and the people get pretty intense when it comes to playing. Playing soccer wouldn’t be something that would be as interactive as a sport they know nothing about… like softball! The heat is proving to be quite the challenge, but we are having a lot of fun just playing and getting to know the people in the community.

Bruce and Pia also go to surrounding areas and do vision tests and give out eye glasses to people who can’t afford it, although I don’t know if we will have the opportunity to be a part of this while we are here. Honestly, the race is starting to wear me down a bit, so it’s been nice not having to preach 3-5 times a day or do any super strenuous activity.

This is pretty much what my last month on the race looks like. Not too much, but just enough to keep me going!

We leave on the 25th to Dublin, Ireland for L squad’s final debried. Then, on the 31st, we have a 3 day conference called The Awakening. All racers currently on the field, staff, and all WR coaches will be attending. It is also open to any alumni that wants to attend, along with their friends and family. It will include teachings, breakout sessions, and worship with Jonathan David Helser! Beyond excited for this! Then, on the 3rd, I will be on a jet plane headed to the Big Apple! I’ll be spending 9 days there before returning home to Saint Augustine.

Honestly, I have too much going on to really write how I’m feeling at the present moment. I’m just trying to take things one day at a time right now.

I do know I feel extremely blessed that I had this incredible experience.

I am feeling very thankful for all of you that went through this journey with me. Iam beyond blessed by all the prayers, encouragement, and financial provision that was poured into my life.

The race completely changed my life. Hopefully I’ll be able to express clearer thoughts soon, in the meantime, I’m stuck in a moment I can’t get out of.

In the words of my dear friend and sister, that’s all.