1. Driving home from Hard Rock Cafe Bangkok on Christmas, only to have the lost taxi driver reverse and then drive into oncoming traffic…on the freeway!

2. Having an Asian man use my arm as his pillow all night on a12 hour bus ride from Bangkok to Phuket.

3. Worshipping to Oh Happy Day, by Kim Walker, and Bethany throwing her laptop over her head and it flying in the air because of her excitement as the song proclaims “we will never be the same.” The laptop smashing like a pancake to the floor, and it still being in perfect condition, minus the fact it won’t shut completely now. The computer should be toast. Priceless.

4. Our contacts 6 year old daughter practicing for a dance recital to the song “Jingle Bell Rock” for hours on end each day. I never care to hear that song ever again!

5. Iced coffee, pineapple, cashew chicken, Pockies, and smoothies. Enough said.

6. Getting my nose pierced.

7. Tuk Tuk’s. Especially when there is subwoofers and strobe lights inside!

8. Getting to play live Frogger everyday as I cross the street!

9. Never being able to refute food when a bus or plane attendant tries to hand it out. You will take it whether you like it or not. If you’re sleeping, you will awake to the food on your lap!

10. Same same, but different.

and here is an amazing Christmas video my leader, Annie, put together (be sure to watch to the very end) 😉