We have finally, in a very strange turn of events, reached a verdict for the name of my new team. This hodgepodge of a name is pretty much just as unique as the dynamics of the team. 

Let me break it down for you… 
Steadfast: [Adapted from James 1.12] Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him. 
Tera Nova: Latin for new land. Symbolic not just in regards to being on the race and taking back territory, but also this new start with a new team. 
Phillies: [Adapted from the Church in Philadelphia seen in Revelation] We chose this because even though the church faced many trials, they understood the meaning of patient endurance, and because of it they received an open door that no man was able to shut. Philadelphia also represents brotherly love

Each of us is very different and unique; with different talents and giftings, it is a beautiful portrait of what the body of Christ is supposed to look like. I am excited to be on the last leg with these brothers and sisters of mine… may we run the end of this race with perseverance! 🙂
(Left to Right) Nicole, Mike, me, Matthew, Sage, and Maryanne