This is a blog my dearest friend, Bethany, wrote upon returning home from the race. She pretty much wrote exactly how I am feeling, so I decided to steal her blog instead of trying to put words into my own emotions! 🙂

It’s hard to believe that it has already been 11 months or that I have been to the ends of the earth and back. It really does feel like a dream that was so real. It’s hard to process all that has happened to me this year and all that I have learned.

When I think about who I was before I left for this trip and who I am now, I am shocked because I have truly been transformed and ruined.

If anyone is wondering, “What does the World Race do to you, or what happens to people who go on the World Race?” I have an answer for you: 

It screws you. 
It ruins you. 
It completely shatters any semblance of a ‘normal’ life you once thought about living. 
It is impossible for me to ever go back to the mindsets, lifestyles, or complacencies that I once followed. 
I am FOREVER changed. 
FOREVER ruined. 
I guess the founder of the World Race has an appropriate blog titled, “Wrecked for the Ordinary” because that is what I am. Wrecked. My entire worldview has changed. My entire perspective has shifted. 
Once you have seen the light coming of the glory in HIS presence, everything else is dim, dull and boring. The only thing that exhilerates your spirit is the very presence of GOD Almighty. And the only desire in your heart is for his heart. 
To feel the pain of injustice and the heartache of seeing people drown in hopelessness. To weep over it and to recognize your inability to help or change anything.
And then to be a part of the strategy of heaven, where small and broken nobodies can shake the nations
So you’re wondering what the World Race does to you? Or you’re thinking maybe you might want to do it… 
It wrecks you.
It transforms you. 
It rocks all your theology and thinking. 
It’s raw and real. 
It’s hard.
It’s a sacrifice.
It challenges you.
It builds character.
And it’s worth it.
It really is. 
You will not be the same.
No more ordinary.
You will be screwed for life.