What if it has always been God’s will for Barack Obama to become President?

Before you decide to ‘x’ out the box to the right or click on the little red bubble to the left, please just hear me out.

I know a lot of people prayed for God’s will to be done during the last election.

Then, the person they wanted to win, didn’t.

Does this mean God isn’t faithful?

Does this mean prayer doesn’t work after all?

Does this mean God’s plans can be thwarted?

A resoundingNO’  comes from my very core when I ask myself these questions.

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Romans 12:2

The truth is Obama is a man of hope. It may not be the Kingdom kind of hope we know of, as Christians, but the underlying fact is that he is a man that has great hope. What if God is actually using him to prepare the hearts and minds of men for things that are to come? I believe he is actually awakening people from their slumber, and God is taking this and using it to propel hearts to search for more. They may not necessarily know what the more is that they are searching for, but it is causing a shift to occur… 

and it is our responsibility to be the salt and revelation that is needed for this Heavenly change.

I’ll leave you with this:

It is not the President’s responsibility to bring change to our nation, it is the Body’s (the Church).