Warning: This blog may highly offend the religious man. 

My attempts at writing this is to shed light on the biggest lie satan has used since man chose to eat of the fruit in the Garden. It is time to take a stand against the deception that has kept people in bondage for far too long. 

What is the deception? RELIGION 

What is the antidote? KINGDOM 

Lately, God has been teaching me about His Kingdom. The truth is the Lord didn’t create us to be in a religion, but to be partakers in His glorious Kingdom from an uncorrupted earth. Simply stated, His original intent was to extend the Kingdom of Heaven into the earth. It has always been about His will being done on earth just as it is in Heaven! This revelation has completely renewed my mind and a resounding “yes and amen” screams from the spirit within me.

To really understand this Kingdom concept, we have to go back to the beginning when Adam and Eve knew no evil. Before they chose to eat the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil they literally lived in a place that was an extension of Heaven; there was no sickness, corruption, or division on earth before the fall. It wasn’t until they ate of the fruit that their eyes were opened to the world outside of God’s Kingdom. It is only when this deception took place that religion surfaced on the earth. When the fall happened, Adam and Eve didn’t lose a religion because that was never their portion! What they lost was the keys to God’s Kingdom; they lost their rights to the Kingdom because eating the fruit actually released the devil’s power into the earth.

Fast-forward to when Jesus came into the earth. I think it is time believers really start to meditate on why He came… He came to set us free from RELIGION (bondage to satan)! He died for our sins so that Heaven could once again invade the earth and that no longer would we be bound to the enemy; He came to restore the Kingdom

In Luke 4.43 it actually states that Jesus came to bring the good news of the Kingdom and that this is why He was sent! His intent was to declare, establish, and invite all men to enter the Kingdom of God. The most precious truth is that when Jesus walked this earth He literally personified Heaven! In fact, Jesus stated, “repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near” (Matthew 4.17). To repent literally means “to change one’s thinking” and the word near actually means, “has arrived.” So essentially Jesus was saying that we have to change our thinking because He (Heaven) has arrived. What He meant by this statement was to change our thinking from the law and the works (the doing and the striving) and the worthless sacrifices to Kingdom thinking. In fact, Jesus told the Pharisees that they had made the commandments of God of no effect because of their traditions. The tradition Jesus was talking about was religion that places all of the rules, the “don’ts”, on people. In essence, Jesus’ ministry was for people to change they way they thought (repent) and reintroduce them to the Kingdom!

The truth is the only thing religion does is it fights the manifestation of God’s love! 

Jesus came because God’s plans cannot be thwarted and His perfect will shall come to pass! He came to restore His Kingdom back into the earth; the Kingdom is simple: it is peace, hope, love, purity, wholeness, joy, and all things good. It is healing the sick, raising the dead, casting out demons, feeding the poor, taking care of widows, binding up the brokenhearted, and proclaiming freedom to the enslaved. 


It is time to remember that when Christ died and rose on the third day, He defeated the devil! In turn, this gave us victory over the dark forces that still reside in this earth. Heaven can now be released back into the earth even though satan is still trying to steal, kill, and destroy souls. When Jesus died He gave us His Spirit so that we would rise up and use it! He wants His power released into the earth and He is looking to us to do it! The truth is He left so that every single person has a chance to hear about His glorious Kingdom, and He won’t return until every tribe, tongue, and nation has heard the Kingdom. The sad fact is though many are still bound to religion and many are blind to the simple message Jesus preached while on the earth: the Kingdom of Heaven!

The only reason for sharing my revelation of all this Kingdom stuff is because I myself have had a very religious mindset, and He is still continuing to change the way I think. I am realizing how simple it really is… but how overly complicated we’ve made it. Satan does not want us accessing the Kingdom, and his attempt of keeping us in bondage is religion: the doing, the striving, and the working. All of these things are an attempt to keep our gaze away from Kingdom perspective because the truth is religion is simply the labor of mankind in his search for the Kingdom.

All God wants us to do is to be the Kingdom just as Jesus was.

It is time to stop living in judgement, racism, prejudice, and hate! These things are not of God’s Kingdom. The only thing we are to do is to be the Kingdom to every single person we meet. 

It has always been about loving people the way Jesus loves.

because it is only LOVE THAT WINS.