This month I went from one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world, to the poorest country in Europe

I am officially out of Prague and now in country number 10 of the race. 


Honestly, I didn’t even know this country existed until a few months ago! It is landlocked between Romania and Ukraine, just to have a better understanding of where I am geographically.

Traveling was quite the adventure. It took 36 hours, 4 train rides, 3 layovers, and 4 countries to get here; I was caught in the middle of two different altercations on two different trains in the cart I was sharing with people I never met; also, I had a ten-ish pound backpack fall on my face while trying to “sleep” on the train. Oh the joys of being a racer! Then, before actually entering Moldova, we had to first switch trains at the Romania/ Moldova border. The reason being the train tracks in Moldova are actually more narrow than the ones in Romania because that’s how the people protected themselves from Soviets trying to invade. Talk about a surreal experience.

And even though it is no longer a communist country, it still lingers everywhere. Because the condition of the country is so poor, they haven’t been able to really come out of it. Fifty percent of the population has actually moved out in order to seek better lives. The people don’t even identify themselves with being citizens here; they will say they’re either Romanian, Russian, or Ukrainian… never Moldavian.

The people that do live here have little hope, and unfortunately, the circumstances have caused most to turn to alcohol. Their hearts are so hardened to the world around them, and they still live in fear of man. They question motives, and it is extremely hard to gain their trust. I have even seen questionable looks from parents as we play with children, or confused faces as we smile to people we pass on the street.

What’s most disturbing of the facts is that Moldova exports one of the highest number of women for human trafficking in the world. Most of the time the women are duped into believing they are being hired for a job as a nanny. Once in the ring, they are unable to escape. Others are so desperate for money, they do whatever they feel is necessary, even if that means being a slave for the rest of their lives.

I have had many experiences on the race living in post-communistic countries, but I have felt the weight of communism more here than anywhere else I have been.

Honestly, this is one of those times I’m being tested in truly believing I have hope that the Lord is mighty to save. Hope that change is coming. Hope that one day these people will be filled with love, joy, and peace.

For hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what he sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.

Romans 8.24-25

God has called L squad to bring the light to the dark places here. We are not here to tell them to repent or burn; we are not here to tell them they are wicked; we are not even here to tell them they have to change. We are just here to love on people.

My team is doing sports ministry for the rest of the month (ministry until 8/4). Yes, I’m actually playing volleyball and basketball! I’m still a little intimidated about getting on the soccer field though… those guys are intense when it comes to their futbol! 

We are having a blast and just being people to people. We are not here to pour out our agenda on them or make them feel like evil human beings. Why would we sow more rejection to people who feel so rejected? That’s not Kingdom thinking. 

We just want to leave this place knowing the people we met had a taste of what God’s Kingdom is really made of. We want to leave this place knowing that they are beginning to realize that even though they are in this world they don’t have to be of  this world. We want to leave knowing that they understand depression, bitterness, and poverty -literal and spiritual- is not their portion.

And the more the people of this country hear truth and experience pure love, the more it will continue to spread across this nation and infect the hearts of all. As this happens, change will come to this nation. I can look at the problems of today all day long, but I have determined to no longer do that. I have determined to look at what God is doing. Where man sees brokenness, I say no more. Where man sees injustice, I say no more. Where man sees corruption, I say no more.

More and more I’m learning that I am to speak life (prophesy) over those things instead of agreeing with the death in it; to call out the things that are not as though they are. 

I see God redeeming this land. 

I see God restoring this land.

I see God pouring out His love on this land.

Yes, there are some days when I am overwhelmed by what I physically see. It would be really easy to let my mind wander into thinking where God is in all of this, but how can I possibly ask that, when the truth is, He sent us here! 

I believe He is changing this land and these people.

I wait with expectancy.

For He is the God that makes all things new.

Steadfast Terra Nova Phillies with our translator, Vicka