I am currently in Puerto Barrios, Guatemala working alongside team Logos until November 6th. This town is a port city  where all the bananas that we get in the grocery stores come from (just a fun fact). It is a very spirituall dark area here laced with depression, alcoholism, drugs, and prostitution, but God’s beauty eminates through it.

We are working through a christian radio station here in town. Paul, our contact, is from Pensacola, FL and has such a heart for the people here to be ignited by the love of God. Our first week consisted of things from ministering to alcoholics at the bars, playing basketball with street kids in the park, house visits in the Guatemalan jungle, visiting children at an orphanage, praying and handing out granola bars, fruit, juice boxes, and clothes to families that live and work in the trash dump, running a youth service, painting a church, and ministering and handing out cards to prostitutes at a brothel. It has been a very long yet fruitful week!
The Lord is doing SO much, and I want to write about so many things, so please bear with me as I will be writing more in depth blogs in the coming weeks. I just wanted to give a quick update and let you know blogs are in the works! 🙂
PS: I was informed by AIM staff that they no longer will be able to give letters to us out on the field, so please do not mail letters to their offices. It was getting to be too expensive with all the racers on the field right now. I would still love to hear from you through comments on my blogs or even through email (you can just click on email me to the left of this page)! Thanks so much and I love and miss you all!