As most of you know, I’m currently attending a leadership academy (G42) in preparation of making the dreams of my heart a reality. I recently had to turn in my vision project, which consisted of a 5-page magazine article explaining what my “vision” is. It was really good for me to write it down, because as I did, everything I thought I wanted began to shift.

Since being here I have realized all I really want to do is love people. I don’t want to start some cliche ministry and I don’t want this to be about another formula. I do, however, want this to be about lives being radically changed by experiencing radical love.

I can see my generation screaming out for justice. We want to see restoration on this earth; we want to see peace settled between nations; we want to see an end to AIDS; we want people to have clean drinking water. I believe these are not impossible things. If I believed this ended badly, I may as well pack my suitcase and go home.

For too long I think we have been lied to; we have convinced ourselves that things can, and will, get worse. If this is really true, then what the hell are we doing trying to do any good, if in the end, it’s all in vain? My God tells me that the whole earth is going to be filled with His glory. I believe it. I also believe it will be filled through believers tapping into the Kingdom of Heaven and releasing it back into the earth. It’s been God’s plan from the beginning and that plan hasn’t changed.

I want to awaken my generation to the truth. The truth of hope. The truth of a better way. The truth of radical living. The truth of being able to experience Heaven on this earth. The truth that life is good. The truth that God is life; that God is love; that God is the freakin’ bomb.

And so, I have realized I want to start a community house. In a nutshell, I want it to be a place where people always have a place to turn to. I want it to be centered on relationship, worship, and discipleship. Not by a method or a plan, but by simply loving people and sharing life together. If you’re interested in learning more, please let me know and I’d be happy to send you the magazine article I created!

Thank you so much for all the love and support I’ve received. My life will never be the same. Thank you for making this possible.

This term has been more centered on raising us up spiritually, while next term will be focused on the business side. I really think the dreamer in me needs to be challenged with this. Unfortunately, I do not have any funds provided for next term. I know I’m not in Africa right now holding dirty babies, but the opportunity I have here at G42 is discipling me into greater things to spread the Kingdom of God into the earth. This step is needed. And so, I am humbly asking for help.

I am in need of $3,000 and I am asking if each person reading this blog could donate just $10 (or more if you feel led to) 😉. This $3,000 will not just support me, but it will in turn support a whole generation that looks exactly like Christ (LOVE), so that they will go out and infect this world to look like LOVE.

It is possible.

Donate $10 here. Simply click on ‘intern support’ and write ‘Allison Schwartz’ in the box provided on page 2 of PayPal! XO