Ok so it will probably be a bit bigger than a jet plane, but once again I will be boarding a flight… this  time to AFRICA!

It’s hard to believe that month 5 is coming to a close in Cambodia, and that our time has run up in Asia. I’m going to miss this land so so much and it has such a special place in my heart!
I will be leaving Cambodia Saturday morning to meet the rest of the L-squad in Bangkok and will stay overnight one last time at the YWAM base (this will be our 5th time staying there in a span of 3 months). Then on midnight, March 8, we will be boarding a flight to… GHANA! We have one layover in Nairobi, Kenya and will be in Ghana on March 8th at around noon!

My team will be partnering with Reverend Love of Grace Revival Church in Accra (the capitol). I’m so very excited for this transition… and nervous all at the same time! Our squad is the first World Race squad to be going to Western Africa and I’m so expectant for how God is going to use us to spread His Kingdom to that region!

Thank you all so much for your continued prayers and encouraging words… it brings such joy to my heart!

Prayer points:
– Travel safety and favor that everything goes smoothly and nothing is lost (luggage, passports, etc.)
– Continued unity within all of the teams and between the squad
– REST… there is going to be much traveling in the next 72 hours 🙂
– Confidence and boldness for every single person

Peace and Love