If I had to best explain my time in Czech, I would have to say it was a feeling of one big paradox. Although my heart felt so broken, this is also the place where my heart felt unbelievably alive; more alive than any other point on the race [excluding bar ministry in Thailand].

Our time in Prague looked nothing like what missions work usually entails. Our ministry was literally communing with the very heart of God

We partnered with John and Kelsie Mullen [an amazing man and woman of God] from Texas. They have been missionaries in Prague for the past fourteen years. They not only hold English speaking church services, but they also help run IHOP Prague. We had the pleasure of attending their church twice, but our main focus for being there was to take part of IHOP.

IHOP stands for International House of Prayer. The main one is located in Kansas City, MO, but there are many locations throughout the world. It is a place where God’s children come to stand in the gap on His behalf. Our focus, in those 10 days, was worship and intercession.

To the world, it seems foolish. To a lot of Christians, it seems like a waste of time. To me, it is where Heaven and earth collide.

I can’t fully explain what happens. I’m not even going to try and make sense of it. All I can say is I know a shift takes place when we sing and cry out on God’s behalf. All I know is it is powerful, and it does change things. 

We sang new songs to the Lord in that place. We cried out for the things that burned passionately on our hearts. 

God propelled my heart to break. He asked me to stand in the gap for the injustice that takes place on this earth. I literally felt His heart break for His children. 

I laughed; I wept. I felt His pain; I felt His joy; I felt His love. I felt Kingdom come down; I felt the power of Heaven. It was the most intense pain; it was the most exhilarating feeling. It was peaceful; it was 


 It was literally beyond what I am describing.

These experiences usually come on strongest in corporate settings. I don’t know why, but something happens when two or more are gathered in His name. Things begin to break off. I begin to experience the Spirit in a heavier sense when I’m surrounded by the church (God’s people). A freedom washes over me that is inexpressible. 

I believe it is because the room is filled with hearts of pure abandon. A whole body of believers uniting for one great purpose.

It truly inspires, and encourages, me to see the youth of Prague rising up to take their place. To see young men and women who aren’t ashamed of the Gospel, even when they are surrounded by so much opposition.

These young men and women cried out and sang with us. They sacrificed their time (and sleep) all for the sake of desiring change to come to the nation. They cried out for freedom on behalf of their fellow citizens. They cried out for joy. They cried out for love. They cried out for hope. They cried out for people to feel purpose and significance. 

It was such a beautiful picture of what I believe Heaven looks like.

My heart is so extremely blessed that I was able to be a part of this movement.  I cannot wait to see what Prague will be like in the next ten years because I know the prayers of our today is changing their tomorrow. This is the hope I leave with.

I am forever grateful God gave me that time. I am a different person because of it, and I have clearer vision for what the future holds [which I will share at a later time]. My heart has been stretched and burns deeper for God’s people. All I desire is for His glory to shine throughout the world.

In those ten days I determined that I will waste the rest of my life for the sake of God’s amazing Kingdom coming down to earth, even if it does look pointless and foolish to the rest of the world. 

I know it’s not.

This is the very thing I was created for. 


Thy Kingdom come

Thy will be done

here on earth just as it is in heaven.