Current status: Brasov, Romania. L-squad is currently in our 4th debrief until Thursday (July 1st). My team and team 2nd Mile will then be heading to… PRAGUE!

The way it all came together could have only been the Lord. We truly had to fight the good fight of faith, trust that His plans cannot be thwarted, and know that those who hope in the Lord will not be put to shame. We stood on these words that He spoke. We knew there was nothing we could do to actually make this happen. It was all in God’s hands…

So the World Race is actually phasing out ATL (Ask the Lord) months. Originally, we had one ATL month for each continent. It basically meant that each team would pray about where they were supposed to go and what they were supposed to do. Find a contact. Set up ministry.

The phasing out process actually happened in our 9th month, and this ATL (month 10 for us) would have been our final one. A lot of teams had already started communicating with possible ministry options when we found out this information. AIM staff had already set up ministry for us in Moldova. Luckily, our fearless squad leaders (Katie, Weston, and Jory) made a way for us to split the month in half: 11 days for ATL and roughly 3 weeks in Moldova.

During all of this, Mike had been in communication with a man from his home church, Tom, that actually has a ministry in Prague. He was looking into possible options for us. Unfortunately, everything was either before or after when we would actually be there. Tom said he would try and find other ministry options for us. For days we hadn’t heard anything. Was this just a door God was closing?

I felt God was asking me to stay back from ministry and intercede [pray] the day before the deadline was due to give our ATL information to the squad leaders. Everything God spoke to me concerning ATL had to do with worship and intercession. There were two teams setting up arrangements to go to Burn in Berlin. Burn is a 24/7 house of worship. In my natural state of thinking, I thought maybe God was telling me we were actually supposed to go to Berlin. I called Brad, whose team was planning on going, and asked him if it was even feasible. He said he would check, but just a few days prior, Melina’s team had made plans to go with them. Brad also told me that Burn would only allow 11 spots. Brad’s team plus Melina’s team totaled that number. Was I just hearing incorrectly?

That night my team discussed everything. It turns out they were also hearing worship and intercession concerning ministry. So, we prayed. A lot. We all felt like we were supposed to pursue ministry in Prague, but we also felt it was supposed to be focused on worship. Mike then heard God say that he would get an email from Tom in the morning. It was a time to really stand on the words God spoke to us. Unwavering faith. It was a time of truly trusting that God was in complete control. We went to bed that night believing an email would come in the morning.

The next morning, Mike got online, and the email had been sent! Also, one of the ministry options listed was for IHOP. No, not the pancakes. IHOP stands for International House of Prayer. The main base is in Kansas City, MO. We knew this was it because IHOP is a 24/7 house of prayer! Mike stayed back from ministry this day to contact IHOP and to intercede for the situation. We all claimed it as ours and truly believed we already knew it was a go.

During all of this, team 2nd Mile also felt like they were supposed to go to Prague. Kelsi, the team leader, emailed one ministry. IHOP. Not only was this the only ministry she contacted, it was on the very same day we contacted them!

The very next day we heard back from IHOP. The woman said she would love to have both teams! Truly this was only the Lord’s doing. I love that He actually gave me clues knowing I would try and rationalize what makes the most sense. I love that our fervent prayer was the only thing God asked of us. I love that we are not ruled by what is seen, but that God tells us to trust what we cannot see, knowing that He is working everything out for His purpose.

I cannot wait to go to IHOP. This is the stuff that makes my heart come alive! I am so thankful that I serve a God that speaks to me and loves me and desires the very best for me. 

He is such a good, good Daddy!