In ALL circumstances take up the shield of faith with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one. Ephesians 6.16

please watch now:

You are probably wondering why I am showing this to you, but I promise I am going somewhere with it! Yesterday I was driving and all of a sudden this scene entered my mind. I haven’t watched this movie in years but all of a sudden God was using it to speak to me!

In this scene Neo finally realizes he is the one. Prior to realizing this, he would have never been able to conquer his enemies… why?! He didn’t believe he could!  When we see in this scene that he finally realizes he can conquer them, everything shifts: the bullets come and he stops them; the “spiritual” realm opens up and he sees the unseen; he invades the enemy and his light penetrates the dark force.

This is us! We have this power! We have this dominion! This is our responsibility!

It is the very reason He has given us the same Power that rose Christ from the Grave… He couldn’t stay in the earth so now He is entrusting us to do His work! God hasn’t left us- HE IS IN US!! And now we have to take up our cross and fight! It’s all on us! We can’t be defined based on what our circumstances reveal because if this were so it would simply make us beat down, broken, just getting by believers… where’s the Glory in that?! No, we are more than conquerers in Christ Jesus and we have the keys to the KINGDOM!

I think we lose faith because opposition still comes. Just because satan is defeated doesn’t mean he is no longer lurking throughout the earth seeking whom he may devour. I’m sick of people blaming God for the schemes of the evil one! Only the thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy BUT God came to give life and give it abundantly (John 10:10)! God has told us exactly how to ward off the darts of the evil one, mighty warrior, and now is the time to put on your armor, take up your shield, and get up and fight the good fight of faith!

Because the fact is he can’t win… if we don’t allow him to! This scene is so symbolic of our faith because he finally realizes he has the power to fight off his enemies. Will they still attack? Yes. But the difference now is that he BELIEVES what’s inside of him is greater than what is inside of themand he has the victory! Those bullets came, but it couldn’t touch him! That’s what Paul meant when he said to take up our shield of faith!

And what is faith?
Faith comes from HEARING and hearing through the WORD of Christ. Romans 10.17
Where the Word of the King is, there is power. Ecc 8.4

I just want to encourage each and every person reading this, whether you are going on the World Race or not, that the Word is POWERFUL! It is our greatest weapon!

In ALL circumstances take up the shield of faith with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one.

When opposition comes, and those darts are being thrown, fight back with the WORD… this is our spiritual warfare! When hell comes and tries to invade, claim who you are in Christ; claim what the Word (God) says about you; claim the plans God has spoken over your life! When we do this those darts will fall to our left and right- they will not be able to touch us- and the light in us will penetrate the dark in them!!

And remember: The Lord is with you Mighty Warriors!!