Right before the squad left for Togo, we had corporate worship one night. My squadmate, Matthew Rock, read a poem he had so eloquently written. It is beatiful and raw and challenging… I hope it speaks to you the way it did me.



This is a messy crayoned love note

But please accept these words I wrote

And though folded with uneven creases

If love’s a puzzle we’re the pieces

And You’re the glue holding us together

You are I AM, and You are forever.

So take our construction paper praises

And forgive us our clichéd copyright phrases

And take us back to when we were young

And with no shame we loudly sung

And with the confidence of a seasoned artist

We poured onto unlined paper our hearts this

Joy we felt in being “Dad’s kid”

And on our dreams there was no lid

‘Cause nothing’s impossible when you’re five

And don’t have to try and you don’t have to strive

‘Cause Daddy’s close and when he’s near

You don’t have to cry and you don’t have to fear.

But sometime somewhere we lost our way

Gave up on love and joined the fray

Of those who settled for Hallmark thank-you’s

To the God who died: “King of the Jews.”

So let’s return to our younger years

But leave all the judging and all of the fears

‘Cause we can sing all the anthems and read all the books

And buy every song with a catchy Jesus hook

But God doesn’t want over-produced and over-played

‘Cause one day even those too will fade

So bring back the crayons and leave the proud look

‘Cause all God wants is our coloring book.