There is one thing I experienced in Ukraine that has profoundly changed my perspective.


From Central America to Asia to Africa to Eastern Europe, I have been extremely blessed by men and women who humbly serve and freely give, without reservation.

It is something I have experienced and been challenged by throughout the last 11 months. Although, something shifted in Ukraine.

In Ukraine, something in me  shifted. 

During a four day softball camp, Maryanne and I stayed with a host family for 5 nights. The camp was about a 2 hour drive from our contacts house, so each person (excluding me and Maryanne) stayed with a different family from the church that was holding the softball camp.

I was floored by how much Lida and Igor gave up in order to serve us. Honestly, their apartment is not spacious; it’s about the size of my living room, maybe a little larger. It includes two rooms, one bathroom, and a kitchen. Lida brought her six-year-old daughter, Masha, to her mother’s house for the week so that Maryanne and I would both have a bed to sleep in.

They gave us their only beds so we would have a place to sleep.

They gave us their only fan so we wouldn’t sweat at night.

They heated up water on the stove in a bucket so that we could take a hot shower.

They served us breakfast in the morning. The works: sausage, bread, cucumber and tomatoes, chocolate, and coffee (we ate lunch and dinner at the church). When we would return at night (usually around 11) they would always have a treat for us!

I mean they literally bent over backwords to serve us!

I couldn’t believe how generous these people were- we didn’t even know them prior to staying with them! They sacrificed their own comfort in order for two strangers to feel comfortable.

I was humbled.

I was wrecked. 

I was inspired.

It truly is so much better to give than to receive .

I am now home from the World Race and I’ve realized something. I don’t want to go back to the “that’s mine” mentality. I don’t want to put a fence around my house (literally and figuratively speaking). I don’t want make a talley of people who may owe me a few dollars. 

I want to freely give. Every day. All the time.

I want to be a woman who freely gives because of He who has freely given. I want this to become a way of life, not because I am supposed to do it or because I feel obligated to, but because there is so much life that comes from such small acts.

Thank you to all those who freely give. You have impacted my life in more ways than I will ever be able to express. I am forever changed because of it.

So much love and gratitude.


*For some reason I can’t upload my photos onto the blog, but I have all my pics from Ukraine posted on my FB page: Facebook (1) | Month 11: Ukraine