I can’t believe month one is already drawing to a close! I head out November 6th to Guatemala City to meet back up with the rest of the squad. We will spend the nite there and then drive to Nicaragua! On the nite of the 7th we will actually be spending the nite in El Salvador and by the 8th my team will be in Jinotepe, Nicaragua working alongside team 180 for the month! Our ministry is to the people living in the slums. We will be working with a couple pastors that lead a growing preschool program, feeding program, and have continuous outreach efforts, but the community in the dumps will be our primary focus. Past WR teams actually helped start their feeding program. Our main contact owns a tent making business, and has created a whole ministry compound in the neighboring slum community that focuses on the families who call the local dump home. I know this will prove to be a challenging month, but I know this is what the Lord is calling my team to do and we are hopeful for the things that will be accomplished!
On a different note, I wanted to share a few things God has been teaching me in month one:

  1. It’s not about me- I need to get over myself
  2. Half the battle is choosing in
  3.  We were made to live in community
  4. Doing anything without the presence of God is futile
  5. God has to take us out before He can bring us back in
  6. It’s OK not to be OK
  7. In the middle of messy, change occurs
  8. Everything I do is a choice
  9. Offense is more about us than it is the other person
  10. Words carry weight