
I have been in Romania for about two weeks and I absolutely LOVE it here. I am living in a quaint little village town called Targu Mures. Rolling hills, cherry trees, strawberry patches, horse-drawn carriages, and some of the sweetest people I have ever met! The bonus is that it is only a 20 minute bus ride into the historic district, which includes museums, beautiful cathedrals, a library that holds the works of people such as Sir Isaac Newton and Benjamin Franklin, and a park lined with roses. We also have a grocery store that can be compared to Walmart [much less chaotic though], McDonald’s, a mall, and some pretty sweet cafe’s. I am living in a 2-story house/cabin that is absolutely gorgeous. It includes 5 bedrooms, a kitchen [first time I’ve seen a real coffee maker in almost 9 months], dining room, 3 legit bathrooms, a washing machine, and… HOT WATER!!! After 3 months of living in Africa, this place was like walking into a mansion, and I think I had a slight bit of culture shock! It has definitely been a blessing to say the least!

As far as ministry goes, we have been doing more evangelism this month. Honestly, I was pretty burnt out on evangelism and didn’t have much excitement in the beginning, but God is peeling back one more box that I have placed around His Kingdom. He is teaching me that evangelism doesn’t have to look a certain way, and to just be led in love, peace, and joy. He’s teaching me to not put a formula around ministry, and to just let it come naturally by just loving on people.

We are working with a Hungarian pastor named Jombor [phonetically spelled] who seeks restoration between Hungarians and Romanians. There is alot of conflict between the two and it breaks my heart how much hate they have for one another. Alot of our time is spent going into the city to meet people, build relationships, and hopefully plug them into Pastor Jombor’s church which welcomes both Hungarians and Romanians [they usually go to separate churches]. God has so much love for the people here, and I can feel it every time I meet someone. I know restoration is coming between the two! Also, there is one day a week when we go into the gypsy villages loving on the least of these! 🙂

I hope to have stories up here shortly. I just wanted to give you a general idea of where I’m living and what I’m doing here in Romania! 🙂

Below is a video my teammate, Mike, made while we were in transit from Bucharest to Targu Mures. 

This is how we survive long travel days…