I’m still in the process of writing a blog but in the meantime, I wanted to share a blog that my teammate, April, wrote:

A whack of the Holy Spirit
We’ve found that smacking Guatemalans with a paper towel roll is a great ice-breaker.  They even let us fill them with the Holy Spirit afterwards.  Keep that in mind – the paper towel smacking game has great success.  We’re 1 for 1 so far!

We lead a cell group of jovenes – young people our age.  One main focus that we have is empowerment.  We’re only in Guatemala a short time, and we want to maximize our impact.  Why not empower and equip the youth here to continue the work that we are doing?  Why not tap them into the Holy Spirit who will guide them in his work?

We started with a typical youth group game, which really was a good way to learn names and to get to know each other but gave us an excuse to take a good whack at someone too.  Really, it was a hit!  (Pun totally intended!)

We then had a time of worship and shared a few testimonies about the Holy Spirit working in our lives.  

Then the Holy Spirit spoke through Celeste.  “I can tell you all about God and who he is.  I can tell you a lot about the Bible and what God says in it.  I can share lots of stories about the Holy Spirit in my life.  But I believe that he wants to speak to you tonight.  I believe that he has something to say to each one of you personally tonight.  So I’m not going to speak.  I’m going to invite the Holy Spirit and let him talk to you.”

And that’s what we did.  Bam – did the Holy Spirit fall!  Tears fell.  Several even fell to the floor.  Prophecies began.  Visions were had.  And did the Holy Spirit speak!  He spoke to each one.  He spoke to us.  He moved us.  We were blessed and honored to be used by God in that way!

A few days later we had the opportunity to do it again with an even larger group.  Once again, God blessed our willingness to be used by him and more jovenes were empowered!  

I’ve been the group translator for almost every ministry opportunity, and I’m blown away by the fact that God would use my abilities to bring such spiritual experiences to pass!  Yes, God is above language barriers, but that he still uses me – wow!  I’m honored.  God is also using these times to develop my gift as a teacher.  He’s made that quite clear to me, and I never feel so right and in my place as I do when I’m fulfilling that role!

So yes, I’m having a great time in Guatemala with jovenes, the Holy Spirit, and somewhat violent games.  Lives are being changed, and hope is being released!  The best part is…it is only MONTH 1!!  Get ready!  We’re bringing the kingdom