So, my brother and teammate, Matthew, wrote a blog recounting a typical day during our time in Nigeria… Enjoy! 🙂

Here’s the set-up. Earlier in the day we had been to the internet cafe (where we got 10 minutes of working internet during two hours there). We returned to the place we were staying at about 12:30 or so, and were promptly informed that we were leaving for a three-day crusade at four o’clock…they’re not big on telling you things ahead of time here. So, here is a timeline of how the process of leaving went… 

3:45 – they come tell us that it’s time to go. (weird, because they NEVER leave early)


3:46 – pastor honks the most obnoxious car horn in the world.


3:47 – he honks it again. Apparently we’re too slow.


3:50 – we get to the van, put our stuff in the back, and…wait.


4:00 – still waiting. Pastor is nowhere in sight.


4:13 – we finally get in the van.


4:14 – the six of us are followed into the 15-passenger van by 15 more passengers.


4:16 – we’re not leaving, the van is getting hot, and the smell of BO is atrocious.


4:18 – I can’t take it anymore and promptly exit the van.


4:18:01 – the rest of the white folks quickly follow my lead.


4:23 – pastor finally comes; he honks the loud obnoxious horn with me leaning against the front of the van.


4:23:05 – after recovering my hearing, I pray to God for the strength to push the van over on top of the pastor.


4:23:10 – I take the prayer back and instead ask Him for patience. It is not granted.


4:24 – after climbing back in the van, the pastor gets a phone call and leaves the van.


4:25 – we are losing our minds.


4:31 – pastor finally returns. Nicole honks the horn at him. Revenge is sweet.

4:33 – we actually get on the road. Jesus have mercy on us.