We walked slowly down the road and turned onto one of the small side streets.
Bars as far as I could see.
We began walking down the empty side street and watched as the bar owners set up for the stream of thousands of tourists looking for something to fill the void in their chest.
Even in the daylight, it feels dark.
The darkness is thick here.
I made sure I touched absolutely every chair I could as we prayed out loud.
Everywhere I looked, I felt sick to my stomach.
I could see men everywhere,
men my age.
My brother’s age.
My father’s age.
I can’t seem to express in words how my heart broke yesterday.
Something deep inside of me is broken for these men.
These women.
These people who think this fleeting moment of pleasure will satisfy.
The darkness is thick on Bangla Road.
There is no hiding it.
But His presence is thick as well.
I’m not sure how to explain it, but I have never felt God as close as I felt Him on Bangla Road.
As I looked around at all the signs that would soon be lit up in bright neon,
I never once had to ask God where He was.
Because He is right there.
Yes, the darkness is thick.
But there is so much hope and life in this place, just waiting to burst out.
We are heading into the bars tonight.
We are believing for big things.
But we need prayer now more than ever.
We are heading to the frontlines in this battle.
The enemy knows exactly how dangerous we are.
Please, please pray for us.
We will be in the bars from 9pm to 12am.
In Calgary, that is 8am to 11am.
Please be interceding for us during this time.
I promise it will not go unnoticed.
“This is where my heart finds Yours.
And I need You so much closer, let me feel You near.
I’m longing Lord, for You to be closer….”