I stood swaying back and forth to the beat of the music. The loudness of the evening was made even louder from the enclosed space. We were in yet another town, yet another outreach. 
As I looked around, everyone around me was dancing and moving to the music, but there was not one smile, not one joyful face. They all knew the words to the African worship songs, they all yelled the appropriate “AMEN!” after every “HALLELUJAH!”, but there was no joy in this place. 
Every one of their faces looked empty. Even the children just stared at the strange, white intruders, save for one or two who ran around laughing hysterically at us. 
Apparently, people in the town were hesitant to come to the outreach because a witch doctor had set up practice there before us and so almost everyone who came was either drunk or high. 
I don’t say that with any sarcasm. I really mean it. Speaking from experience, those are the people who need to hear the truth the most. 
I realized in that moment the amazing opportunity we have this month. We are called to the front of every outreach to lay hands on people and pray for them. Sometimes we have no idea what to pray because we have no way of communicating with them in that moment, but that’s when the Spirit can take over. 
We have the Holy Spirit living in us and when we lay hands on people and speak life over them, things in the spiritual realm are shifted. Fighting for these people in prayer is probably the most powerful and effective thing we could do for ministry.  
I don’t get to talk to these people, or hear their stories. Most of the time, I don’t even get to see their eyes because they are usually already closed by the time I walk up to them. But I know that every single person I’ve laid my hands on has walked away differently than they came that night simply because of the Holy Spirit living in me. 
We may not see a million people saved. There may be men and women who invite Jesus into their hearts and then go right back to their drugs or prostituion. But it is not my job to water the seed, it’s my job to plant it. I trust God enough to know that His love for these people is far greater than anything I could comprehend. I know He’ll make sure the garden stays watered.
After all, He is one of the best gardeners I know.