So here’s the thing.

It’s month 11.
And I have officially run out of ideas for blogs.
So, I have an idea for a fun little game instead!

The kicker is, I’m gonna need full participation from YOU.

Here’s the scoop.

Allison Prysiazny is an open book. For the next few days, you can ask me anything and I’ll answer it as honestly as I can. 

In the comment section, you can just write in “anonymous” for your name.

I’ll answer the questions in upcoming blogs.

Let’s make this fun!
Seriously, ask me anything- want details on that time I projectile
vomitted in Bolivia (or watched teammates do the same)?
Interested in the
night I lost my cool?
Curious about favorite
(and least fave) meals / beds / ministries / whatever?
Want to know
about growth (of any type- spiritual, emotional, physical…)?

Start thinking!
 The craziest questions will probably get answered first.

Let the soul baring begin. =)

Some ideas to get you started….

– African Safaris – What we saw, who we met and how we weaseled our way into getting a second safari for free.

– The travel day (week) from hell and other travel day experiences.

– What I wish I would have packed (and what it’s really like to pack and unpack every three weeks).

– What I learned about human trafficking, and other injustices around the world.

Ask away!