I don’t even know how to write this blog. It’s hard for me to find words right now. 
I can’t believe it’s over.
Yesterday morning, I opened my email/blog/facebook to find a multitude of people wanting to give to me. $20, $50, $100, $200 $600 and it just kept going up. When I added up to $850, I stopped. There were still at least 15 more people who had given to me, but I stopped counting at $850. 
Only one thought raced through my mind over and over. 
I’m fully funded. 
I’m FULLY funded.
With pledges, $15,500+ 
I NEVER thought I would see that number at the beginning of this journey. Fifteen thousand dollars seems unfathomable to me still, but there it is, in my account. 
No more fundraising. No more deadlines. 
It’s over. 
and I can finally finish this race without having to worry about the next deadline looming ominously in front of me. 
I get to continue on to Mozambique with my team.
The joy and relief is inexpressable.
A thousand thank yous to everyone who has supported me on this journey. I can’t even seem to express in words how grateful I am for you. I literally would not be on the race, in South Africa without you. 
And of course, a very special thank you to Jamie Thatcher. I can’t wait till you get on the field so I can bless you, even a fraction of the amount that you have blessed me. Your selfless giving and constant support and encouragement means the world to me. Thank you for believing in me when it seemed like no one else did. You da best.
To everyone else who gave, you all know who you are, and I want you to know that I pray for God to bless you tenfold for the blessing that you’ve been to me. Thank you. Thank you. THANK YOU. 
Please continue to cover my team and I in prayer as we head to Mozambique. Malaria is in full force and none of us want to be sick! We don’t really know what we are doing next month as of right now,  but we are working with an organizatiion called Africa on Fire in Chibuto, Mozambique. 
To eveyone at home, I love you all but I won’t be seeing you for another 5 months.