Really. I am. 

In five days.
If I don’t have another $1,339.00 in my support account.
I am not demanding money from you.
I am not trying to make you feel bad for me.
I am simply asking you to consider giving life to the nations. 
I am asking you to maybe step out of your comfort zone a little bit. 
I am asking you to tell everyone you know about the things I am doing overseas.
I am asking you to pray. 
I am asking you to give anything you can.
Becase I believe in what the Lord is doing through my team and I.
I believe in loving and snuggling orphans in Bolivia.
I believe in supporting youth in Peru and telling them they are loved and adored by their creator.
I believe in buiding a church building in Ecuador. 
I believe in the work that He has already done.
I believe in the work that He will do in Albania, Romania, South Africa, Swaziland, Mozambique, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam.
Don’t you?
If you do, please look to the left and click the ”support my ministry” tab.
I know God has got an amazing plan for me on the race. 
It is not my time to come home. 
I just know it.