Four years ago today, 
I embarked on a journey that would change my life forever. 
Four years ago today, 
I said yes to God and got myself into something way bigger than I was expecting. 
Four years ago today, 
I was a wide-eyed, curious 18 year old who knew there was something more for her. 
Four years ago today, 
I got on a plane and began what would be the first of many trips to Africa. 
It’s crazy to think it’s been four years since I stepped off that plane into a land so different from what I knew at home. 
I think back on the way I felt as I would walk down the street, 
sun beaming down on my white skin. 
Children yelling in excitement,
old women laughing at my attempts to speak twi. 
The contentment in my heart as I fell more in love each day with the environment around me.
I think about Mama Elizabeth, 
and how I wish I could see her now. 
Thank her for the way she loved me like her own daughter. 
Laugh with her about how excited the children get when they see me. 
Talk with her for hours and hours about politics, or God. 
I think about all the friends I made, 
both Canadian and Ghanaian. 
I think about what God did in that beautiful country. 
I think of all the people I saw transformed. 
I think of what God spoke over me. 
And how that place, that trip
is what brought me here. 
I would be in an entirely different place in my life had I not got on that plane.
Ghana changed me. 
And in many ways saved me from a life I was never meant to live.
Four years later, 
I am incredibly grateful for that day.